Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

TFC said:
Griff93 said:
This please.

Sorry its only from the Sun, but I was on there looking at tits.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... urder.html</a>

Thanks mate. I'll make sure to look at the tits afterwards.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bugs Bunny said:
I assume you'd find him guilty first?

No need.
Apparently courts of law and due legal process which should technically ensure that the guilty are convicted based on valid evidence are for liberals and wimps.
Just buy a rope,and string up any local who is a bit of a loner,or looks shifty,or who has learning difficulties,as they fit the bill.
It means that an innocent misfit gets hung,and a guilty psycho is left to strike again,but then no system is perfect...

Most of those you're on about just enjoy a bit of posturing but sadly there really are people like this :-(
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
de niro said:
would not make the courts, nothing and i mean nothing would stop me from killing him stone dead. having a daughter that age makes me shudder at the thought of the loss her parents feel.

But do we not need the courts to establish his guilt?
If he is proved guilty,then lock him up and lose the key,but surely the hallmark of a civilized society is that his guilt must be established first?
After all,the judiciary have got things horribly wrong before now.

watch me.
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
But do we not need the courts to establish his guilt?
If he is proved guilty,then lock him up and lose the key,but surely the hallmark of a civilized society is that his guilt must be established first?
After all,the judiciary have got things horribly wrong before now.

watch me.

Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
But do we not need the courts to establish his guilt?
If he is proved guilty,then lock him up and lose the key,but surely the hallmark of a civilized society is that his guilt must be established first?
After all,the judiciary have got things horribly wrong before now.

watch me.

Hard man. I presume you don't have a wife or any other relatives/kids, they might not appreciate you not being able to see them again outside of a vistitor's room for the rest of your life.
TFC said:
Griff93 said:
This please.

Sorry its only from the Sun, but I was on there looking at tits.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... urder.html</a>

Cheers mate, poor girl.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
de niro said:
watch me.

Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.

not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.

not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

I understand the rage, who wouldn't want immediate bloody revenge. But as a previous poster has said 'what about the rest of your family?'

You have to let justice run it's course. If another murdering scumbag in prison decides to finish him off, then job's a good un.
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.

not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

No - in a civilized society courts and juries decide who is guilty,not some self-appointed vigilante who,understandably,isn't thinking straight.
What on earth do you mean 'with dna they wouldn't go to court unless totally sure of a conviction'?
What about those people who are found not guilty of murder by a jury,after all the evidence has been evaluated?
This happens in hundreds of murder trials every year.
Or when the police conspire to convict an innocent man?
Do I really need to list countless instances of this happening in recent legal history?
What you propose is the killing of an innocent man - innocent in that he has not been tried and convicted of any offence in a court of law.
And that,in my opinion,is simply ludicrous to any sane person.
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.

not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

Because every murder trial in the UK ends up in a conviction. You couldnt make it up.......

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