Job satisfaction or a means to an end:

No lol not you mate.
I refered to the honourable gentleman Number one blue and Mr Ireland ; )

I typed "you" instead of "blue"
It's what we journos call in the trade a typo error or in laymans terms a typographical error.
They are always doing this in that ray of sunshine tabloid the Dail Mail but they hardly ever appear to retract.

A retraction
It has come to my attention that Mr Machievali residing at off topic forums was wrongly implicated in the Job Satisfaction Thread.
I typed "you" instead of "Blue"and apologise unreservidly for any nuance constenation upset travesty or excuse for my inadequate example of writing prowess or poor imitation of.If there's anything that I can do to make this up to you, please just ask.
You continue to remain on my top posters list and your posting ability is legendry.

I have been applying for jobs this afternoon Jim.
I sent in one for a traffic enforcement officer and you get a uniform hat night stick and everything.
The public will see me in a new light helping them all out with their parking problems and stuff.
The job involves liasing assisting and advising.
Up to £7.60 an hour with overtime.
Or 15 pies an hour. ;-)
... and what? There was a better way to handle it, that's all.

Handle what ?
Assisting two youngsters home in the early morning hours dressed in nothing but dressing gowns.
They had no money for the fare and requested help.I assisted them in what I thought was a lift home.
Transpires they were on the hunt for cheaper doritos and not going home after all.
So I returned them to the garage.

All much better than seeing them on the back of a milk carton or crimewatch three months from now.

Your advice was
I'd have left them. They weren't stranded, they'd got there by themselves - garage's problem.
Buying them something, or doing something worse, like inviting them in for a free ride, seems infinitely worse.

How do you know they were not stranded David.Taking them both to their homes or at least attempting to was the best course of action.
And it's not all about money in this job.Couldn't care less they had none.
In fact I am proud I attempted to get them home safely and it only cost me a £100 speeding fine.
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Handle what ?
Assisting two youngsters home in the early morning hours dressed in nothing but dressing gowns.
They had no money for the fare and requested help.I assisted them in what I thought was a lift home.
Transpires they were on the hunt for cheaper doritos and not going home after all.
So I returned them to the garage.

All much better than seeing them on the back of a milk carton or crimewatch three months from now.

Your advice was and I quote ..
I'd have left them. They weren't stranded, they'd got there by themselves - garage's problem.
Buying them something, or doing something worse, like inviting them in for a free ride, seems infinitely worse.

How do you know they were not stranded David.Taking them both to their homes or at least attempting to was the best course of action.
And it's not all about money in this job.Couldn't care less they had none.
In fact I am proud I attempted to get them home safely and it only cost me a £100 speeding fine.

Fair enough. The garage was attended and I'd have asked them to phone their parents or the police, or done that myself, and asked the garage to ensure their safety, or waited there with them if I didn't feel the garage were capable. Different approaches I guess.
Could have been a worse night. You could have killed someone whilst speeding or got arrested for child abduction. Quite a lucky night for you really.
Handle what ?
Assisting two youngsters home in the early morning hours dressed in nothing but dressing gowns.
They had no money for the fare and requested help.I assisted them in what I thought was a lift home.
Transpires they were on the hunt for cheaper doritos and not going home after all.
So I returned them to the garage.

All much better than seeing them on the back of a milk carton or crimewatch three months from now.

Your advice was and I quote ..
I'd have left them. They weren't stranded, they'd got there by themselves - garage's problem.
Buying them something, or doing something worse, like inviting them in for a free ride, seems infinitely worse.

How do you know they were not stranded David.Taking them both to their homes or at least attempting to was the best course of action.
And it's not all about money in this job.Couldn't care less they had none.
In fact I am proud I attempted to get them home safely and it only cost me a £100 speeding fine.

You obviously like the human interaction. Why not set up your own escort agency.
I have just finished watching a program on how this works. Take a gander at "Mr. Jolly lives next door".
I dislike my job and no longer want the rush of wind in my hair or the call of the open road.
I don't want to be chatting shite about weather patterns or if I think there will be a chance of precipitation tomorrow.

Im not a weatherman just an old fart spinning aimlessly on a hamsterial wheel to a town called nowhere..I don't want to be constantly asked what time am I on till or have I been busy.
Talk to me normaly eh and engage me in sohisticated etiquette.

I had to reduce my hours and now only work weekends so tonight I thought I would put my head down and graft hard.
I knew if I applied myself this weekend we could both treat ourself's on Monday to some of Tesco's finest fare.
Aldi and Lidl are ok if your on your arse but occationaly it's good to splash out on the odd post election ceelebration treat.
I worked so hard this evening and if Mrs May or Jake Berry could have seen me they would have been very proud.
It was nearly shifts end and I took a last slurp of juice and wiped away the sweat from my furrowed brow.
I kicked the stirups hard for the ride to my last job.
It was a stange one and my mission if I choose to accept it was to convey an inebriated gent from the pub to his pals to continue the session.
On arrival he instructed me to go to the garage and get him beers and fetch them back.
I duly obliged and arrived at the garage.

Two young girls around 13 to 14 were stood outside the pay window with just dressing gowns on.
They had called down for Doritos at daft o'clock in the morning and asked for a free ride to town.
Sorry girls but on a mission impossible with deliveries to make so I bought the ale and started drive off.
Couldn't leave them there stranded so they jumped in.
Transpires they only wanted the town for cheaper Doritos as the garage was expensive.
I thought I was taking them home so five minutes later on them realising town was shut I dropped back at the garage as requested.
It's long winded reading I know but now I'm rather late with my drop so I gallop away trying to make up time and hit a speed camera.
It was like some surreal dream panning out in slooow motion.

So a magnificent turn over of £130 less fuel less rent of car and less radio rent for the night less £100 speed camera fine @ - minus £30 profit.
So I go to work to lose £30 and get no holiday pay no sickness pay and get continually harrased and tormented by hordes of ethanol fueled cabbages.

I just got back in the house.
I'm feeling sickly because when stressed I eat like I have Prader Willy Syndrome and I have just scoffed back two toast crusts with cheese and ham a full packet of jammie dodgers two penguins and a corned beef buttie.

An addedendum:
The speeding fines have changed .
Its three points for class A speed example doing up to 42 in a 30mph zone.
And a wopping £100 fine or it can be a fine proportionate to a weeks wage on a scale of 25% 50% 75%.

Like all hackney carriage drivers I am an exemplanary motorist having no points.
Hopefully I may get an offer of a trip to Bury speed awareness class at £80 with no points.
I shall put £1.50 a day in a jar to pay the fine or training course as it wont hurt as much.
I am wondering if there is extenuating circumstances at play with me acting in a public spirited way as I was concerned over the youngsters safety which made me late and in doing so subcontiously slightly exceeding the prescribed speed limit.

Do you like your job or is it just a means to an end to fetch home the bacon.

You're an MCD - never forget that, my friend.
Never fancied being a taxi driver..don't like people talking behind my back.
Jack Duckworth,Corrie circa 1997

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