jobsworth rag stewards

kippax90 said:
bluealf said:
kippax90 said:
I know this is pretty common knowledge but the way i was treated at the game last night has made me blow my my top big time and sent me right over the edge, now i know technically i was in the wrong but fook me what a bunch of twat's anyway it's like this i get to the ground about twenty minutes before kick off after a few sherberts and a sing song in mary d's and was in a great mood and looking forward to watching my first european game was chatting to a few mates when nature called so i went to the toilet whilst in there i decided to have a quick half a fag i'd done this a million times before and been o.k but not today three stewards walked in and straight away i held my hands up and said soz lads not had one for a bit wont happen again and made my way back to my mates soon as i was there the three stewards had grown to six and surrounded me and started leading me to the doors i said cmon for fucks sake was only half a cig heres my feckin fags have em and i'll pay a fine if you want but oh no this well what could only be described as a fat fuckin whale of a woman started smirkin and that set me off what the fuck you smirkin at i said obviously the only pleasure your gettin off anyone is throwin em out. I pleaded my case but these fuckers were not havin it what made it worse was in the past i had actually witnessed somebody being clocked smoking in the bogs and they were told put it out get out and if your caught again your gettin chucked out i told them this but the bug eyed plastic dibble weren't havin none of it i'm sick to the back teeth of these ***** having witnessed lads being thrown out for nothing more than standing up or singing too i quote "AGGRESIVLEY" or in truth being a football fan it's pathetic and driving me away from the club i love no doubt i'll get a ban, i'll never understand why just one of the spirals couldn't be a smoking area i respect none smokers right to a smoke free area but as the spirals are outside what would it hurt to have one for smokers it's fuckin stupid and i yearn to feel the warmth of mother maine road again, any way rant over thanks for reading just wanted to know if any fellow blues had any thought's or similar experiences cheers boys KEEP THE FAITH.

I smoke also, but your rant makes you look a dick sorry.

and why's that then

because its like something a 14 year old kid would write.
warpig said:
kippax90 said:
bluealf said:
kippax90 said:
I know this is pretty common knowledge but the way i was treated at the game last night has made me blow my my top big time and sent me right over the edge, now i know technically i was in the wrong but fook me what a bunch of twat's anyway it's like this i get to the ground about twenty minutes before kick off after a few sherberts and a sing song in mary d's and was in a great mood and looking forward to watching my first european game was chatting to a few mates when nature called so i went to the toilet whilst in there i decided to have a quick half a fag i'd done this a million times before and been o.k but not today three stewards walked in and straight away i held my hands up and said soz lads not had one for a bit wont happen again and made my way back to my mates soon as i was there the three stewards had grown to six and surrounded me and started leading me to the doors i said cmon for fucks sake was only half a cig heres my feckin fags have em and i'll pay a fine if you want but oh no this well what could only be described as a fat fuckin whale of a woman started smirkin and that set me off what the fuck you smirkin at i said obviously the only pleasure your gettin off anyone is throwin em out. I pleaded my case but these fuckers were not havin it what made it worse was in the past i had actually witnessed somebody being clocked smoking in the bogs and they were told put it out get out and if your caught again your gettin chucked out i told them this but the bug eyed plastic dibble weren't havin none of it i'm sick to the back teeth of these ***** having witnessed lads being thrown out for nothing more than standing up or singing too i quote "AGGRESIVLEY" or in truth being a football fan it's pathetic and driving me away from the club i love no doubt i'll get a ban, i'll never understand why just one of the spirals couldn't be a smoking area i respect none smokers right to a smoke free area but as the spirals are outside what would it hurt to have one for smokers it's fuckin stupid and i yearn to feel the warmth of mother maine road again, any way rant over thanks for reading just wanted to know if any fellow blues had any thought's or similar experiences cheers boys KEEP THE FAITH.

I smoke also, but your rant makes you look a dick sorry.

and why's that then

because its like something a 14 year old kid would write.

dont know where your gettin the 14 year old kid bit from it's just my personal opinion but ok if it makes you feel better :-) ahh
I've recently packed in the cigs but I do think they should at least find some alternative for smokers. Not everyone of them wants to quit and it is their choice. Smokers know others don't like it so won't smoke near them. A smoker wants to enjoy his cig not get moaned at. Or in your case get thrown out!! Can't see why they can't open one of the gates and fence an area off for half time. Surely would make more sense than banning supporters. I suppose City are at the mercy of the authorities where this is concerned though. Tactical anti-smoker squads are a bit extreme though!! Do they have walkie-talkies too?? "Regal King Size in sector 5 - go go go!"
anyway to wrap it up i've been stupid but what has blown me away is the shear venom from fellow blues i mean shit guy's i was wrong but some constructive critism would have been fine but for fucks sake you'd have thought i was a rag dont expect people to condone my behaviour but in my opinion some have been a bit over the top and a bit petty and personal that's why things at city are not what they used to be we used to have each other's backs not get on each other's backs were supposed to be shooting for the same team.
I feel for ya m8 but what can ya expect really??

Especially when it was ur first euro game! Ouch!

Hope u dnt get banned but ya kno its not like you weren't warned on the tannoy, they made it very clear to everyone at least twice b4 kick off that smoking in the stadium won't be tolerated.

kippax90 said:
anyway to wrap it up i've been stupid but what has blown me away is the shear venom from fellow blues i mean shit guy's i was wrong but some constructive critism would have been fine but for fucks sake you'd have thought i was a rag dont expect people to condone my behaviour but in my opinion some have been a bit over the top and a bit petty and personal that's why things at city are not what they used to be we used to have each other's backs not get on each other's backs were supposed to be shooting for the same team.
Let me try and point out calmly why you've got a reaction.

First, you entered the stadium drunk. That's against the stadium rules and the stewards would have been within their rights to stop you coming in.

Second, you admit you broke the law when you smoked in the toilets yet don't seem to accept there would be consequences.

Third, you're 32 years old not 16. Do you really need to have a skinful before you watch a game and a smoke during it like some naughty schoolboy?

Thirdly, you proved what an idiot you are by coming on here and telling everyone about it, yet can't see why people think you're a dick. Grow up.
Kippax I've just spent about 30 mins regaling a broadly similar experience only for this painfully fookin glichey site to lose the internet connection just as I posted it.

I'll be fooked if I'm typing all that again which is a shame because it would have cheered you up.

This site for all it's wonderous beauty gets right up my fookin nose sometimes. It's so typically City.
i was on the 3rd tear at the villa game and there was a few of us smoking on the spirals right at the top . the stewards didnt say sod all . maybe it changed and there on commission now lol

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