Joe Hart (continued)

I'm no cynic said:
Rolee said:
I'm no cynic said:
Remember this first goal?

Of course I remember it but what's it got to do with my post?
Nothing in particular, except as a general observation of how the thread is going. Costel's critics are accusing him of being at fault by being flat footed, but I have pictured this goal to remind people that Joe can do likewise. Costel therefore cannot be dropped for this mistake, if that is what it was, as he is not the only keeper to be caught out this way, Joe being one.

Really, a keeper can get caught flat footed, who'd have thunk it?

My initial post was questioning why he didn't go left if that's where he was expecting the ball to go? Any takers?

Btw I also think it's fair to criticise Costel for this seeing as Hart couldn't fart crooked without the pitchfork mob jumping all over him.
Pellegrini's comment "it's not about waiting for him (Costel) to make a mistake, it's about the right time to bring Hart back" seems to make it clear that Hart is still regarded as the number one and that his comeback is just a question of timing.

If Hart has a solid game at Leicester, I can't really see why he wouldn't keep the job at Fulham. Hart's had a long enough rest, time to work on technical issues, clear his head. Can't really see any point in delaying what seems to be the inevitable
cibaman said:
Pellegrini's comment "it's not about waiting for him (Costel) to make a mistake, it's about the right time to bring Hart back" seems to make it clear that Hart is still regarded as the number one and that his comeback is just a question of timing.

If Hart has a solid game at Leicester, I can't really see why he wouldn't keep the job at Fulham. Hart's had a long enough rest, time to work on technical issues, clear his head. Can't really see any point in delaying what seems to be the inevitable

Interesting. When did Manuel say this?
Rolee said:
cibaman said:
Pellegrini's comment "it's not about waiting for him (Costel) to make a mistake, it's about the right time to bring Hart back" seems to make it clear that Hart is still regarded as the number one and that his comeback is just a question of timing.

If Hart has a solid game at Leicester, I can't really see why he wouldn't keep the job at Fulham. Hart's had a long enough rest, time to work on technical issues, clear his head. Can't really see any point in delaying what seems to be the inevitable

Interesting. When did Manuel say this?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tch-report</a>
cibaman said:
Rolee said:
cibaman said:
Pellegrini's comment "it's not about waiting for him (Costel) to make a mistake, it's about the right time to bring Hart back" seems to make it clear that Hart is still regarded as the number one and that his comeback is just a question of timing.

If Hart has a solid game at Leicester, I can't really see why he wouldn't keep the job at Fulham. Hart's had a long enough rest, time to work on technical issues, clear his head. Can't really see any point in delaying what seems to be the inevitable

Interesting. When did Manuel say this?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tch-report</a>

Thanks for that mate. Seems pretty conclusive alright that he still sees Joe as number 1.
The Rooney and Walcott goals are not comparable.

Rooney's actually was deceiving and keeper would assume it would go to opposite corner.

Walcott's never moved.

Costel is more dodgy not for the goals he's conceding but his general play. He's dropped pretty much every ball in the air, keeps putting players under pressure with his distribution
berniethebusman said:
NQCitizen said:
Puppet Master Silva said:
Bit of a silly mindset that Pantilimon has to make a huge mistake to be dropped. Surely he'd have to perform very well to keep his place in the team, which he's not doing right now.

Drop the keeper that's cost us no games at all for the keeper that's cost us 2 or 3?

Till Pants has a Villa/Chelsea level cock up he's staying in for me.

All cock ups are fine then aslong as we win?

I was all for his resting but the longer this situation continues the more I fear for his long term future something I reckon is too soon to put at risk for the sake of keeping some bang average number 2 happy.

Every single cock up is fine if we win. Absolutely.

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