Joe Hart (continued)

When Alves was so close I think he should have slide out with his legs shut on his knees. Would have had to have been a very good finish then. He's spread himself as wide as possible which you could argue is the right thing to do but it's better when its a cross in. When its one on one it's more of a target for the striker coming out that way. Being a bit harsh but IMO it made the finish easier rather than more difficult in those specific circumstances.
johnmc said:
When Alves was so close I think he should have slide out with his legs shut on his knees. Would have had to have been a very good finish then. He's spread himself as wide as possible which you could argue is the right thing to do but it's better when its a cross in. When its one on one it's more of a target for the striker coming out that way. Being a bit harsh but IMO it made the finish easier rather than more difficult in those specific circumstances.

Have you ever played in goal?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Criminally Insane said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Is Criminally Insane on the WUM because he is asking questions and making arguments you would expect from a child or someone who isnt very clued up on the club
I;am not making any arguments and asking any questions just replying to a thread about Joe Hart.

If the people who run the site did not want people to reply then there would not be a forum.

You make remarks about being childish?when all i have stated is that i prefer Pants to Hart,I seem to be missing something here?

-- Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:38 pm --

aguero93:20 said:
Was wondering that myself but I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt at the risk of being WUMmed.

I think i touched a tender spot with YOU when i wrote i prefered Pants to Hart but did not realize it was such a big deal to have a different opinion to some other blue?but there again following the blues for decades i should of known better.
Look at the last page its ridiculous
Don,t no wot yas mean little boyblue but what i do no is Hart made a schoolboy goalkeeping error and if he is that good ?how come he did not stop a easy shot which most good keepers would have saved?
Criminally Insane said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Criminally Insane said:
I;am not making any arguments and asking any questions just replying to a thread about Joe Hart.

If the people who run the site did not want people to reply then there would not be a forum.

You make remarks about being childish?when all i have stated is that i prefer Pants to Hart,I seem to be missing something here?

-- Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:38 pm --

I think i touched a tender spot with YOU when i wrote i prefered Pants to Hart but did not realize it was such a big deal to have a different opinion to some other blue?but there again following the blues for decades i should of known better.
Look at the last page its ridiculous
Don,t no wot yas mean little boyblue but what i do no is Hart made a schoolboy goalkeeping error and if he is that good ?how come he did not stop a easy shot which most good keepers would have saved?

Your user name is incredibly apt.
steviemc said:
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
I Like Joe Hart and think he's a good keeper but he was clearly at fault for the 2nd goal. he had no reason to come off his line, the momentum of the player was taking him to the by line and as it did his shot angle was becoming more and more acute.......had Joe kept his line he would have made a comfortable save imo.

Harsh perhaps but life's like that at the top.

I also thought some of his distribution was appalling, particularly the throws.
Can't agree that the momentum of Alves is taking him to byline. Alves was in full control when the ball was struck. He's slowing down and the ball isn't moving much. There's a chance he may have played it square if Joe hadn't come out, or he still could have shot. It's all speculation. If the ball doesn't go between Joe's legs it probably would have been a good stop.


Seen it several times in replay and still hold the same opinion.
Davs 19 said:
Criminally Insane said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Look at the last page its ridiculous
Don,t no wot yas mean little boyblue but what i do no is Hart made a schoolboy goalkeeping error and if he is that good ?how come he did not stop a easy shot which most good keepers would have saved?

Your user name is incredibly apt.
perhaps you should place it between the goalposts?surely it could perform to a higher level
Blue2112 said:
I like Joe and think he is still the best English keepers around but he's still a long way to go. Why oh why did he once again come charging so far off his line to try and narrow an already narrow angle. I think if he'd have come half the distance he did last night he'd have saved that second goal and made it more difficult for Alves to score. He also made a throw to Clichy in the first half that was a ridiculous effort putting Clichy straight under pressure and losing possession again. He's probably a better all round keeper to Pants but I honestly don't feel anywhere near as nervous when a cross comes into the box and Pants is in goal.

SNAP!<br /><br />-- Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:23 pm --<br /><br />
bluethrunthru said:
all the fucking armchair experts on here FFS !! How is Joe Englands number one when there are dozens of plainly better keepers on Bluemoon ??

Its keepers call and straight out of the coaching manual is come out and narrow the angle which he did. Whether you do the Schmeichel spread yourself or dive head first at the ball Joe did right and Alves just nutmegged him - always a chance of that happening but let it rest this is not a goal thats down to Joe Hart - look at Lescott just jogging over to Neymar or Clichy letting Alves run - piss poor defending - nodding off in the last few seconds thats what cost us dear.

I think you will find a certain word like FATIGUE (cream crackered) kicked in!!
I looked at Neuer tonight , and couldn't help thinking Hart should be on his level especially with his talent but for whatever reason he's still lacking that bit extra to match Neuer presently.
There is some bitches on here, go wobble your own heads. If you like Hart good for you. He is short of the reqs i believe we need to move to the next level, as do a few others by all accounts. If this viewpoint doesn't suit you fine, but don't try and change everyone you disagree with. So far he has fallen short and he does have a habit or two that should of been rectified by now.

I think I saw one of the best saves ever watching the game V Barcelona, yet very little has been made of it.

This kept the game at 0-0 and was superb goalkeeping, not just spectacular shot stopping.

Hart is good, but is he in this league. (tho TBH, I don't know enough about Valdes, my opinion is based upon this one game only, but he certainly impressed)

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