Joe Hart (joined Torino on season long loan - Official)

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Your argument about contracts seems somewhat silly given that a longer term contract for a player usually increases their sell on value. It was reported (possibly falsely) that the club's hierarchy were caught off guard by Guardiola's decision to drop Hart so the length of his contract reflected what they thought of him at the time.

That is relevant at every other club except city. We cannot sell players its that simple and we over pay when we are buying players. It's a fuckin shambles. End of.

And before someone says yes but we pay them high wages and cannot move them on. Bollox, so do Liverpool, Chelsea, United and others and they can all sell players.

This will end up with us paying the scousers to play with our keeper. It's shit. Same with nasri , same with Yaya and it will be the same with bony and mangala,

I would not loan any players out except youngsters to improve them.

The rest need to go or simply don't play.
When do you think they had the conversation that finally made it clear he could go? Because we've left the lad with 1 week to find a new club and the fact is most clubs don't leave it to the last minute to fill such an important role as keeper, so its not surprising there isn't much interest. A loan looks most likely now and without debating the rights and wrongs of not wanting him, really did Pep not know at least a month ago that Joe wasn't wanted??
Pep knew. Joe knew. Joe's agent knew.
So it's conicidence that Joe hasn't been officially allowed to leave until Bravo signed is it ?

What a stupid twat you are Txiki. Should have moved him on & left us with Willy plus Angus Gunn as out two keepers for the season in the event Bravo didn't pass the medical.

Now Woodward presiding over that, is realistic tbf.

Why take so long to sort out Bravo? Negotiations do not have to wait until the last minute or even until the window opens.
Also read that it was Txiki, not Pep that has told him to leave as he believes the situation will be a distraction to everyone. If Pep is saying one thing and privately saying another, then that's a pretty shitty thing to do.
Weren't you outed a week ago?
So you think all this fucking about is good management either at boardroom level or dressing room level?

Let's imagine a scenario. Pep says to Txiki a few months ago "I'm really not sure about Hart. See if x, y or z is available."

So we ask about Ter Stegen and the price is very high but Bravo might be available at a better price. Pep says" OK but let's see what Hart can do first before I decide what to do". He starts work and decides fairly quickly that Hart really isn't up to it and he can't work with him.

So Pep says to Txiki "Bravo. Do it" and he does. What Hart does is then up to him. If he wants to keep his England spot then he needs to sort something out quick. Not our problem.
Boooo Ho poor old joe having to sit on the bench because he's no longer good enough.
Sure the 130 large a week will still be Hitting his bank account.

Can't believe some of the people on here slagging off pep and txiki and the club.

Joe has played a part in this clubs history and will be remembered forever but fact of the matter is we've got one of the best keepers on the planet in bravo and hart isn't even in top 5 in the league.

Only way this is a bad move is if we don't improve of last years 4th which we will
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