Joe Hart + Mancini's Comments

I've seen two papers quoting Mourinho as saying that Hart's performance was 'incredible'.
Bunk said:
Mancini needs to stop this public haranguing of individual players immediately. Somebody needs to have a word with him about this. He did it with Adam Johnson, he did it with Tevez, he’s done it with Balotelli and he’s now done it with Hart. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what Hart said after the game, he made the kind of statements you hear from players in post-match interviews the length and breadth of the country every single weekend. He in no way deserves this scolding from Mancini.

Mancini is running the risk of turning into this Paolo Di Canio type figure who crucifies and shames individual players in front of the entire nation on live TV.

This is terrible man management. I remain a big fan of Mancini but this must stop, it is unprofessional and detrimental.

Mancini has a foul temper and he needs to keep it in check.

We all heard what he said about Tevez after the Bayern match.
There was no need for Mancini to say that, there is no good to come out of what he said. Joe is part of the team and has the right to voice his frustration after the game. Imagine Shrek coming out saying he was disappointed that Man Utd threw away a 8 point lead and Bacon face telling him to basically shut up. It wouldn't happen and I don;t see why Mancini said that. Hart is a big player for us and hopefully he isn't demoralized by Mancini comments. I'm not against Mancini but it was a stupid move on his part.
Didsbury Dave said:
The interviewer said to Mancini "HArt has critisised the players", which is not really what he said, and Mancini took it the wrong way.

This. Mancini heard "Hart criticized the players" and obviously as a manager you would be offended by this. Don't blow this out of proportion and move on, lads.

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