Joe Hart

dronefromsector7g said:
mr t said:
I've not seen any replays but I was at Sunderland and I think he could and should have saved it - that's my gut feeling.
He should've saved it, he shouldn't have left such a gap in the first place.
Should have saved, but he knows AJ can and does loop to the far post.
oh ffs this thread really is off the scale, one of best keepers in world has save us on countless times and we are question the guy after a few mistake, good grief wtf has come over some ppl, 20yrs ago i could understand, but today, no chance. so for the doubters lets sell him, get some other keeper in, maybe best keeper in world(take ya pick) he makes few mistakes, and then u call for his head. fuck me. grow the fuck up
Joe is one of those guys that gets pissed off with himself after a mistake which can only be a good thing. People need to focus less on his 'good guy' attitude, ever thought he's just generally nice bloke?
He's saved us on many occasions this season and like all keepers, he will make mistakes but he'll learn from these.

Now I'm going to sleep, night.
Watch his interview on the OS - the ball wobbled and he misjidged it. The problem is further upfield in my mind.
timschaefer86 said:
Where is the evidence that he's cocky? I don't see it?

He reminds me of this kid. Maybe that's why.

Cast your minds back to the Dortmund game when everyone was waxing lyrical about him on here, saying he's the best keeper in the world. Fast forward a couple of months and he's too cocky and needs competition

Only on Bluemoon

Yes he should have done better dealing with that shot yesterday, same way Aguero should have done better with the chances he had. Unfortunately Joe's mistakes sometimes cost us goals
Blumers Bloomers said:
Cast your minds back to the Dortmund game when everyone was waxing lyrical about him on here, saying he's the best keeper in the world. Fast forward a couple of months and he's too cocky and needs competition

Only on Bluemoon

Yes he should have done better dealing with that shot yesterday, same way Aguero should have done better with the chances he had. Unfortunately Joe's mistakes sometimes cost us goals
You don't think that mistakes are creeping into his game?
SWP's back said:
Blumers Bloomers said:
Cast your minds back to the Dortmund game when everyone was waxing lyrical about him on here, saying he's the best keeper in the world. Fast forward a couple of months and he's too cocky and needs competition

Only on Bluemoon

Yes he should have done better dealing with that shot yesterday, same way Aguero should have done better with the chances he had. Unfortunately Joe's mistakes sometimes cost us goals
You don't think that mistakes are creeping into his game?

Not that I'm concerned about, no. He's human, he will make mistakes, as all good keepers do from time to time. He does seem to be more vulnerable on his left but if we're all aware of that, I'm sure he will be, and will be working to address it.

In the grand scheme of things he is the least of our worries. There is no-one I would prefer in between the sticks, put it that way.

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