joe hart

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Tim of the Oak said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Casillas was world class at 21 so there goes your 26 reference point.

I agree that Joe had little chance with at least 2 of the goals on Sunday. However Pantsust wonder if he is ever going to get a chance in the league

Joe needs a top game against Bayern now. I also think he should knock the Head and Shoulders adverts in the head because Joe's greed is doing nothing for his reputation.

So our other players are allowed to be "greedy" and do adverts but Joe isn't, when they equally make mistakes and have underperformed in the last year?

I think City would welcome the fact they have an England international in UK adverts as it raises his and our profile in the process.

Every player needs a top game against Bayern. It's easy to point the finger at the goalie when the ball goes in the net but in reality most of the time he's having to make a rescue attempt to stop a clear chance because someone's messed up in front of him, that is how it tends to happen against us because that's the only real way for a team to get chances against us, through our own mistakes.

Bayern will be different because they are such a good team I see Joe getting tested a lot more often, and I think like Dortmund last year he'll put in a sensational performance. The difficulty for him is having to make that rescue attempt once or twice a match or just being left for dead because of an error. He has made errors and lost concentration but I was never comfortable with the lack of progress he seemed to make under the previous GK coach and I hope the new guy makes a difference. In the past few days I've seen Begovic have another poor game, Valdes do his usual of flapping about at anything that isn't a reflex save and Casillas couldn't dislodge Diego Lopez in their derby game.

So all in all none of the alternatives have proven their so much better than Joe and Joe has a lot in his favour.

It would be one of those "What the fuck were we thinking?" moments if we got rid, and those should stay where they belong, the 90's.

I am not saying get rid of Joe and I want him to be a big success. However, he needs to improve a d several times this year he has let in 3 goals without making a save of note. Clearly, he has had little chance with most of the goals but Joe has let in too many considering how few chances we concede.

On the point of greed, fans of other clubs have said to me how greedy Joe is for appearing in more adverts. It hardly intimates the opponent strikers knowing that we have Head n Shoders in goal so there may well be an impact
on results after all.

In terms of form, if this has nothing to do with selection the. Why have 3 keepers in the squad. Pants must feel he has no cha fe of getting a game. If Joe needs a new goalkeeping coach to get motivated the be needs to buck his ideas up. No doubt some org will come up with the chestnut Joe's form suffered because Mancini did t kiss his arse!!

The whole point of a keeping coach is to provide our keepers with experience and practice in scenarios that are likely to come up in game. If that means that we have to practice a clear goalscoring chance from no more than 10 yards out from different angles so that Joe gets practice at what he has to deal with in match day scenarios then so be it. They also have to work on technical weaknesses, I think Joe's distribution has been a bit better already but also for 3 years his weakness down on his low left hand side was not addressed by the previous coach, that was clear from Joe's performances. I hope the new coach works on that and a few other little bits and pieces and Joe will start to grow in confidence because the one hammer blow to a keeper is to make a mistake, and even a keeper as good as Joe with the couple he's made it's going to knock his confidence. Like I said I think Bayern could be good for him as it's a game where the way we're defending will be like Dortmund home in terms of the chances a top Bayern side will create. He rarely gets a game like that, some games he's lucky if he makes a save before the 89th minute which is tough for a goalie, especially when that chance tends to be from 4 yards out after the ball's bounced round the box, and it's fairly often a tight offside call as well. Joe has saved us far more times than he's let us down and as you said most of the goals conceded have not been down to him this season. Ultimately though if we concede people look at him, the mistakes he has made put a then pre-conceived idea in people's heads that he's a lot more of a liability than he is, people start creating mistakes he's made when conceding goals to deflect blame from more favourite players. When Joe makes a good save and we win people at most go "oh well done Joe" and then forget about it, it's a no win situation for him and like I said on form none of the other top keepers are doing anything to suggest they would be good replacements, at least none that are reasonable transfer targets.
red 2 hats said:
Joe is still our number 1, he has made a few blunders of late but show me a keeper that hasn't.
I don't think dropping him is the right decision, if his confidence is low now, could you imagine how low it would be if he were to get dropped, plus I've not seen enough of Pants to think he is any better, sometimes it's better the devil you know.
I hope he regains his form and his confidence and remains City's no 1.
On a separate issue, I watched Frazer Foster for Celtic last night and on that showing Joes England place could be at serious risk.
This was all over my facebook as well. I call it reactionary supporting. When people see someone have an amazing game and think they are the best ever, up until 1998 clubs used to buy players off the back of World Cups to find out they are duffers and had an amazing few games rather than outstanding ability. Im not saying you are the same and maybe you have watched him many times but for a lot of people it tends to be the case
I really don't think there's any problem with Joe Hart. Yes, he's made a couple of mistakes these past 18 months, but probably still fewer than pretty much every other keeper in the league - it's just that his get magnified, exaggerated, etc.

In the Cardiff game, for example, people focused on that flap for their second goal, and forgot the three key saves in the first half which kept us in the game.

As for the Villa game, I don't think he was to blame for any of those goals. The first was a tidy finish into the bottom corner. The second was a superb free-kick. The third, keepers have no right to save one-on-ones; the pressure is on the attacker, it's easier to score a one-on-one than it is to save, especially when the striker has that much space and time. Perhaps he could have stayed on his line and forced the striker to deliberate and hopefully make a mistake, but that's easier to say with hindsight.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
red 2 hats said:
Joe is still our number 1, he has made a few blunders of late but show me a keeper that hasn't.
I don't think dropping him is the right decision, if his confidence is low now, could you imagine how low it would be if he were to get dropped, plus I've not seen enough of Pants to think he is any better, sometimes it's better the devil you know.
I hope he regains his form and his confidence and remains City's no 1.
On a separate issue, I watched Frazer Foster for Celtic last night and on that showing Joes England place could be at serious risk.
This was all over my facebook as well. I call it reactionary supporting. When people see someone have an amazing game and think they are the best ever, up until 1998 clubs used to buy players off the back of World Cups to find out they are duffers and had an amazing few games rather than outstanding ability. Im not saying you are the same and maybe you have watched him many times but for a lot of people it tends to be the case

Nothing reactionary from my post, we've got City fans calling for Joes head on a plate, I want him too remain both City & England number 1 for the foreseeable future.
The media spotlight is bad enough on City but it goes to a different level when England are playing and questions have been asked about Joe of late.
Just stating that on last nights and last seasons showing against Barca, Frazer Foster has put himself in the window, and Joe COULD loose his place. Apart from the 2 mentioned games I've no idea if he is any good, but the media have a strong influence on the national side.
Can't believe there is still shit about his adverts being spouted.

He's not missing training or matches, and he's not going to play football for 12 hours a day, eat, sleep then repeat is he.

What he does in his spare time is his business and it's much better than a lot of players for many clubs who piss it all in pubs or clubs or shagging behind their respected partners backs. A few adverts aren't going to affect how he plays on the pitch, wheres is there a credible relationship there?

Granted, his form is a worry and he's not saving some shots I would have expected him to have a year or 2 ago. But Joe is also part of the defence, its a unit, and they all need to talk to each other and be vocal and when some goals/shots have come in, it's because the players in front of him haven't done their job properly and the strikers get space/in behind them. Heck, in the last two games we've gave away 2 cheap free kicks which have resulted in two great goals past him. The whole defence isn't on form.
I'm still in the 'give him some more time' camp, as I really don't believe Pants is up to the standard we require permanently between the sticks. He's had a few cocks up in a lot less games.
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