John Stones

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There is absolutely no question in my mind Stones is a talented boy with the ball st his feet. His range of passing is exceptional for a centre back.
My reservations around him are about his defensive ability. It may well be that his slip ups this season were due to playing in a relatively poor outfit but nevertheless he was error prone.
I wonder if Pep is considering playing him higher up the pitch, maybe in a DM position like Busquets. I think he would be brilliant there...
The bitterness on various Talksport shows about Stones supposed rejection of Barca for City is just hilarious. They seem to be having difficulty understanding two things:
1. The pulling power of Pep and why on earth he would rock up at ikle old City in the first place.
2. Why anyone would consider playing for City when other options are available.

he was banging that drum yesterday just nipped out ha same drum but none taking him on old fat Ed
There is absolutely no question in my mind Stones is a talented boy with the ball st his feet. His range of passing is exceptional for a centre back.
My reservations around him are about his defensive ability. It may well be that his slip ups this season were due to playing in a relatively poor outfit but nevertheless he was error prone.
I wonder if Pep is considering playing him higher up the pitch, maybe in a DM position like Busquets. I think he would be brilliant there...
I'm not sure people have a handle on how Pep likes to play the game. It's vital our centre backs are comfortable on the ball and Stones is perfect for this way of playing the game.
We didn't. That number was long debunked as what Porto got. We also paid a 3rd party.
It hasnt been debunked. The amount we paid Porto has always been publicly available. It was announced to their stock exchange. The amount we paid the third party has never been publicised. People have rightly or wrongly presumed it is the same rate as we paid for Portos share.
It hasnt been debunked. The amount we paid Porto has always been publicly available. It was announced to their stock exchange. The amount we paid the third party has never been publicised. People have rightly or wrongly presumed it is the same rate as we paid for Portos share.
I thought we weren't allowed to pay 3rd parties full stop?
I thought we weren't allowed to pay 3rd parties full stop?
I thought we were allowed to pay them, but they couldn't remain as third party owners in the premier league, or maybe we have to pay the money to the selling club to pay off the third party before we sign the player.
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