John/Taupin v Lennon/McCartney

Totally agree. Sir Raymond Douglas Davies is a fucking genius! The Kinks had Ray Davies, and whilst Dave weighed in with a few very good tunes, it wasn't like in The Beatles who had 2 writing geniuses to the Kinks one, but for me Davies is the greatest.
Ray Davies is a fantastic songwriter and im a big fan of his songs, where the kinks suffered in my opinion, was the production of their records.
I have some high-end hifi equipment. And when I play a kink's record, it sounds shite.
They should have spent more time and hired a professional producer To get a much better sound... that Mel Tolmy guy was a skinflint. Although the later Ray production wasnt much better.
They also should have been much more thoughtful in the instrumentation that they used on their records.
compared to a George Martin produced record , the Kinks sounds terrible.

Also, The WHO and The Rolling Stones records have aged much better than the Kinks sound wise, Although I prefer the kinks to both of those bands.

I always think Apeman (fake Caribbean accent. problematic lyrics, wouldn't be possible now.
This is a great song, but I do think that it can be construed as culturally insensitive or ethnocentric if only because of the reference to voo-doo. The concept of voo-doo is closely linked with African and African American cultures and he groups it with living in the trees, Tarzan, King Kong, etc. You can see how someone would be offended by this.

Drifting off-topic here.Though , as we are not supposed to be discussing the Kinks.
Ray Davies is a fantastic songwriter and im a big fan of his songs, where the kinks suffered in my opinion, was the production of their records.
I have some high-end hifi equipment. And when I play a kink's record, it sounds shite.
They should have spent more time and hired a professional producer To get a much better sound... that Mel Tolmy guy was a skinflint. Although the later Ray production wasnt much better.
They also should have been much more thoughtful in the instrumentation that they used on their records.
compared to a George Martin produced record , the Kinks sounds terrible.

Also, The WHO and The Rolling Stones records have aged much better than the Kinks sound wise, Although I prefer the kinks to both of those bands.

I always think Apeman (fake Caribbean accent. problematic lyrics, wouldn't be possible now.
This is a great song, but I do think that it can be construed as culturally insensitive or ethnocentric if only because of the reference to voo-doo. The concept of voo-doo is closely linked with African and African American cultures and he groups it with living in the trees, Tarzan, King Kong, etc. You can see how someone would be offended by this.

Drifting off-topic here.Though , as we are not supposed to be discussing the Kinks.
Well the op did mention Ray Davies in his first post so..
I totally agree with the production side of things on Kinks songs and Shel Talmy whilst doing some great stuff, did cut a lot of corners. The Kinks were the first band to have a commercial hit using the sittar sound when they released See my friend/s in 1965 quite a while before The Beatles got involved then took the plaudits. But the thing was they couldn't get hold(or afford) a sittar so had to use a 4 string guitar that sounded like a sittar. Again, you'd say poor producing and penny pinching. You mention lyrics that aren't really for today, then I think the other big bands also fell into that category. Brown sugar off the top of my head "Just like a black girl should". But if the Kinks would of had Martin as a producer and the countless millions to throw at orchestras and every musical instrument their hearts desired and the best sound systems then the Kinks songs wouldn't sound like you say. But my post was about the genius song writing of Ray Davies, not the production Bill.
Can we add Plant & Page, Gilmour, Waters and Wright, Iommi, Osbourne and Butler, and Lord and Blackmore to the list please. TVM.

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