John/Taupin v Lennon/McCartney

Early Taupin/Dwight stuff were great
I liked Elton's early singles, though I’m not really a big fan overall.

However, I love the Beatles' music from I saw Her Standing There to Now And Then, and everything in between.

They were innovators and, along with George Martin, used techniques that had never been used before, like cutting a tape into short lengths and joining them back together in a random order or asking musicians to play a note higher than their instrument is supposed to reach.

They were also the first Western group to use a site on a commercial song.

So much of what we have heard on popular music in the last 60 years has been influenced by things that the Beatles did first.
who set the benchmark?

50% of lennon/McCartney is pop music guff then a mild dable in drugs and culture, but always with comercial angle.

output wise great songwriters could churn out hits, content wise many other did quality over quantity.

Ray Davies amd alway will be the best song writer of the time UK (60s/70s) and criminally.underated
Totally agree. Sir Raymond Douglas Davies is a fucking genius! The Kinks had Ray Davies, and whilst Dave weighed in with a few very good tunes, it wasn't like in The Beatles who had 2 writing geniuses to the Kinks one, but for me Davies is the greatest.
I liked Elton's early singles, though I’m not really a big fan overall.

However, I love the Beatles' music from I saw Her Standing There to Now And Then, and everything in between.

They were innovators and, along with George Martin, used techniques that had never been used before, like cutting a tape into short lengths and joining them back together in a random order or asking musicians to play a note higher than their instrument is supposed to reach.

They were also the first Western group to use a site on a commercial song.

So much of what we have heard on popular music in the last 60 years has been influenced by things that the Beatles did first.
First few Reggie’s albums are top notch, later ones not so much
Never liked the Beatles, growing up it was either Beatles or Stones, I preferred Mick
Hard to compare as Taupin didn’t write music - only lyrics. Also after the mid sixties the Beatles were writing seperately despite the Lennon/McCartney credits on their tracks.
they are all musical geniuses, anyone who says otherwise has clearly not listened to their (respective) full bodies of work - no songs on EJ's Greatest Hits (for example) would be in his top 20 best songs, imho

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