John Terry [Merged]

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Just because Terry rejected us doesn't mean that we have any right to rip him to shreds. He's Mr. Chelsea, England captain, and we tried to bring him to a club with no European footy, no trophies in over 3 decades, that finished 10th last season, it would've been the coup of the century if we had pulled it off. He didn't slag us off, or anything like that, he just basically said "i'm staying at Chelsea". The fact that it took him 3 weeks shows that he was considering our offer so I don't see why everyone is attacking him.
uwe said:
harsh,not really,it`s how i feel at the moment, i feel he has used us and as a result we will be taken the piss out of by the press,rags etc so i stand by my comments.( i didn`t say i wished it did i??)

Fuck him, we knew all along there was a chance he was using us, but he obviously thought about it long enough for us to keep pursuing him.

Onwards and upwards.
if we had a bid accepted in the first place and terry didnt want to come then that would have been him turning us down. the only facts we have from city is that we put in ONE bid three weeks ago which chelsea turned down. nothing else at stated this for the third time yesterday in his press conference.
So what he did not want to leave Chelsea for us?! We gave it a go and he must of had a good long think about it.
No need for our fans to sound bitter about it as it just makes us look pathetic.
Hope he breaks his leg, rag etc etc is pretty childish.
Good luck to him and on to the next target for us.
Thread over! Thank fuck!
How do I feel the Chelski supporter asked?

Pretty good to be honest.

No longer are we at risk of losing our best kids to Sky 4 vultures.

We've had one of the best sides in Europe on the run for weeks, and have totally unsettled their season.

In all probability we've just cost Chelsea the best part of £1m a year in extra salary they'll fork out for Terry, plus whatever his teammates ask for as soon as they know how easy it is down.

Disappointing not to get him, more for the statement it would have made than the value for money he would have provided. But overall, things are pretty good.

Cheers for asking.
terry will deeply regret this in time to come,although i don,t ever expect him to admit it......still maintain we,ve given him a sunday deadline to choose,and he didn,t have the bottle to move...........
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