John Terry [Merged]

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Just a point to make on the whole tapping up story, lets not get too carried away with this, its a story in the news of the world, Kenyon has spoke publically on SSN and hasn't indicated anything along the lines of tapping up, yes its an unwelcome headache to say the very least for Chelsea but to say they will report us to the FA seems to be a fabricated story.

It's been a good day again for us blues, now lets all look forward to what should be a very exciting season, if we get our defence sorted that is!
svennis pennis said:
fulhamroad22 said:
I never said Chelsea were massive (although are probably bigger than City on a worldwide scale in terms of revenue from abroad, merchandise, marketability and stuff- just for now anyway). As I have said to many supporters, Chelsea will remain in the position they are. Abramovic is commited, I have a few friends from the CFC supporters club in the USA that have met him- he sung, cheered and was genuinely passionate for his club. He also sued a couple of newspapers for suggesting he might sell up. He also plays a terrific role in donating to charities, arranging training sessions for under privileged children and events and arrangements for supporters. He went way beyond what Bates did.

Fact is, you can only spend so much on a football team and that doesn't go beyond what Abramovic can afford (or the money that Abramovic will be making when the global economy is in growth again). You may be run by a royal family, but we are still run by a stupidly rich man too. We'll invest, you'll invest and it'll be a race for who will get it right.

...and as I have learned as a CFC fan, money isn't everything. We have spent more money than United for example, but over the past three years they surpassed everything we achieved in our moment of glory, whilst spending less money. It's all about getting the right players and putting together the right squad.

For that reason I wouldn't say City are in a much better position to do well at a later date (although inevitably, due to their wealth will have a head start in transfers meaning a slight advantage). For the next couple of seasons, at least I'd say Chelsea are in a better position as they already have a team put together (although soon the team will have to be revitalised slightly).

My predictions for next year are:

1. Chelsea/United
2. United/Chelsea
3. Liverpool
4. Manchester City
5. Arsenal

...and the year after I'd say City will be 2nd or even 1st depending how well the transfers and management goes.

I'm not writing you lot off, but I also think it would be unfair and wrong to write Chelsea off.

Fulham, are you concerned about the lack of star pull you have?

Abramovich has never managed to sign a superstar for you lot, he has tried and failed countless times, apart from the Shevchenko signing, which can be filed under EPIC FAILURE.

I cant really think of signings you have managed that have surpassed the signings we have made of, Robinho, Tevez and now Adebayor. We all know Ancelotti really rates Adebayor.

I'd say Ashley Cole, Ballack, Shevchenko were all bigger names at the time we signed them (with all due respect to Tevez and Adebayor). I feel that if we pulled out the stops to buy a big name we could- but that comes at a price and board seems convinced that everything should be done at a good price. We'll have to wait and see if Adebayor, Tevez is more like a Sheva to you or not.

I feel we would turn the heads of star players due to the fact we are probably the third or fourth best team in Europe (certainly in terms of our CL record).

What I would say is, our team was built around players that were doing well at their respective clubs but not world renowned like Drogba, Carvalho, Robben, Essien. These players have become stars under us and these are also the players that have worked well as a team- this could be a problem City come across, the big names may play as individuals rather than as a team.

As far as Adebayor goes, I wouldn't really want him to be fair. I didn't think he was very good at Arsenal last season and am not convinced by him. Tevez, I'm jealous of. I'd say we should be going for either Pato or Aguero right now as a matter of preference. We certainly need more young players and a player which will provide a link between Lampard and Drogba- Pato or Aguero could cover that. Hopefully we go all out for either of them.
fulhamroad22 said:
Balti said:
Chelsea are so Massive of course ;-) That said I think that Chelsea will only get worse. You have to understand that City are in a far better position to do better than Chelsea have done in recent years. Get used to it pal.

I never said Chelsea were massive (although are probably bigger than City on a worldwide scale in terms of revenue from abroad, merchandise, marketability and stuff- just for now anyway). As I have said to many supporters, Chelsea will remain in the position they are. Abramovic is commited, I have a few friends from the CFC supporters club in the USA that have met him- he sung, cheered and was genuinely passionate for his club. He also sued a couple of newspapers for suggesting he might sell up. He also plays a terrific role in donating to charities, arranging training sessions for under privileged children and events and arrangements for supporters. He went way beyond what Bates did.

Fact is, you can only spend so much on a football team and that doesn't go beyond what Abramovic can afford (or the money that Abramovic will be making when the global economy is in growth again). You may be run by a royal family, but we are still run by a stupidly rich man too. We'll invest, you'll invest and it'll be a race for who will get it right.

...and as I have learned as a CFC fan, money isn't everything. We have spent more money than United for example, but over the past three years they surpassed everything we achieved in our moment of glory, whilst spending less money. It's all about getting the right players and putting together the right squad.

For that reason I wouldn't say City are in a much better position to do well at a later date (although inevitably, due to their wealth will have a head start in transfers meaning a slight advantage). For the next couple of seasons, at least I'd say Chelsea are in a better position as they already have a team put together (although soon the team will have to be revitalised slightly).

My predictions for next year are:

1. Chelsea/United
2. United/Chelsea
3. Liverpool
4. Manchester City
5. Arsenal

...and the year after I'd say City will be 2nd or even 1st depending how well the transfers and management goes.

I'm not writing you lot off, but I also think it would be unfair and wrong to write Chelsea off.

Can I ask your thinking, with regards to leapfrogging Liverpool, I myself don't see them weakening next season?
bizzbo said:
i8therags said:
Could it be a possability that Chelski tapped up Sturridge before he was free to look at other clubs.has it not been talked about for a long time that they wanted him.I know nowt about the legal stuff so it IS a question and not a statement.

He's almost goading chelsea.

We are goading them all and we don't care.
Prophet of Doom said:
fulhamroad22 said:
I never said Chelsea were massive (although are probably bigger than City on a worldwide scale in terms of revenue from abroad, merchandise, marketability and stuff- just for now anyway). As I have said to many supporters, Chelsea will remain in the position they are. Abramovic is commited, I have a few friends from the CFC supporters club in the USA that have met him- he sung, cheered and was genuinely passionate for his club. He also sued a couple of newspapers for suggesting he might sell up. He also plays a terrific role in donating to charities, arranging training sessions for under privileged children and events and arrangements for supporters. He went way beyond what Bates did.

Fact is, you can only spend so much on a football team and that doesn't go beyond what Abramovic can afford (or the money that Abramovic will be making when the global economy is in growth again). You may be run by a royal family, but we are still run by a stupidly rich man too. We'll invest, you'll invest and it'll be a race for who will get it right.

...and as I have learned as a CFC fan, money isn't everything. We have spent more money than United for example, but over the past three years they surpassed everything we achieved in our moment of glory, whilst spending less money. It's all about getting the right players and putting together the right squad.

For that reason I wouldn't say City are in a much better position to do well at a later date (although inevitably, due to their wealth will have a head start in transfers meaning a slight advantage). For the next couple of seasons, at least I'd say Chelsea are in a better position as they already have a team put together (although soon the team will have to be revitalised slightly).

My predictions for next year are:

1. Chelsea/United
2. United/Chelsea
3. Liverpool
4. Manchester City
5. Arsenal

...and the year after I'd say City will be 2nd or even 1st depending how well the transfers and management goes.

I'm not writing you lot off, but I also think it would be unfair and wrong to write Chelsea off.

Fair points - but your problem is deeper than the team which is still better than ours.

5 managers in two and bit years

The director of football buying players

Owner acting of his own back with his own advisors etc - what exactly do Kenyon and Buck do ?

Every player speaking for the captain except the man himself.

These are the reasons terry is considering moving

I hate the fact we have had so many managers. We should have stuck with Mourinho or gone all out to keep Hiddink. They were both excellent managers. Hopefully, Ancelotti can steady the ship.

I think the rest is all speculation, so it's quite difficult to comment on it- but I would say signings should be left to the manager with advice from scouts, coaches etc.

JT has a massive voice at the club, I can definitely confirm that. He is involved at all ends of the club and is more involved than most captains. I'm no expert on how he feels but I have an inkling, a gut feeling he'd prefer to stay should this all be sorted.
fulhamroad22 said:
svennis pennis said:
Fulham, are you concerned about the lack of star pull you have?

Abramovich has never managed to sign a superstar for you lot, he has tried and failed countless times, apart from the Shevchenko signing, which can be filed under EPIC FAILURE.

I cant really think of signings you have managed that have surpassed the signings we have made of, Robinho, Tevez and now Adebayor. We all know Ancelotti really rates Adebayor.

I'd say Ashley Cole, Ballack, Shevchenko were all bigger names at the time we signed them (with all due respect to Tevez and Adebayor). I feel that if we pulled out the stops to buy a big name we could- but that comes at a price and board seems convinced that everything should be done at a good price. We'll have to wait and see if Adebayor, Tevez is more like a Sheva to you or not.

I feel we would turn the heads of star players due to the fact we are probably the third or fourth best team in Europe (certainly in terms of our CL record).

What I would say is, our team was built around players that were doing well at their respective clubs but not world renowned like Drogba, Carvalho, Robben, Essien. These players have become stars under us and these are also the players that have worked well as a team- this could be a problem City come across, the big names may play as individuals rather than as a team.

As far as Adebayor goes, I wouldn't really want him to be fair. I didn't think he was very good at Arsenal last season and am not convinced by him. Tevez, I'm jealous of. I'd say we should be going for either Pato or Aguero right now as a matter of preference. We certainly need more young players and a player which will provide a link between Lampard and Drogba- Pato or Aguero could cover that. Hopefully we go all out for either of them.

Fair enough, I really dont agree with that list though. In England Cole is a star, but also a wanker. Ballack and Shevchenko were past their peaks as players when you signed them.

Thats my point though. Despite being the richest club in the world, Prem champions etc... You have never managed to turn the head of a Kaka, Ronaldinho etc... We got further down the line with Kaka than you did despite your riches. It has always baffled me in all honesty. You got close to getting Robbie but ultimately, no cigar.
bizzbo said:
that's from the NOTW: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... gId=413495</a>

Rob Beasley is a prick. He is a Chelsea fan and only has an interest in writing pro Chelsea stories - he may as well be on their payroll.

As for us being deducted points as another poster mentioned, I don't believe our manager or chief exec have met him in a hotel in the middle of London for "nothing more than an innocent chat" like Mourinho and Kenyon did with Cole when he was at Arsenal.

When Roman came along Chelsea bullied clubs into selling their players and that idiot Kenyon thought it was OK. Now we are doing exactly what they did - except we are going after their biggest fish, "Mr Chelsea" and they know there is a definite possibility that he could go and it is good to see them squirm.
im being a bit ambitious here but i think it might be possible that terry was remaning neutral and quiet because he was waiting for someone like eto'o or adebayor to sign because surely we had one of the best midfeilds (and one of the best goalkeepers) in the league last season (ireland, robby, de jong, kompany, swp etc...) and now that we have an unstoppable, flexible attacking force (robinho, tevez, adebayor, rsc and even bojinov) surely he can sort out the the back 4 along with lescott (which is looking more likely by the day) which means that by the looks of it we would be at least a top 4 quality team.

thaughts anyone?
DontLookBackInAnger said:
fulhamroad22 said:
I never said Chelsea were massive (although are probably bigger than City on a worldwide scale in terms of revenue from abroad, merchandise, marketability and stuff- just for now anyway). As I have said to many supporters, Chelsea will remain in the position they are. Abramovic is commited, I have a few friends from the CFC supporters club in the USA that have met him- he sung, cheered and was genuinely passionate for his club. He also sued a couple of newspapers for suggesting he might sell up. He also plays a terrific role in donating to charities, arranging training sessions for under privileged children and events and arrangements for supporters. He went way beyond what Bates did.

Fact is, you can only spend so much on a football team and that doesn't go beyond what Abramovic can afford (or the money that Abramovic will be making when the global economy is in growth again). You may be run by a royal family, but we are still run by a stupidly rich man too. We'll invest, you'll invest and it'll be a race for who will get it right.

...and as I have learned as a CFC fan, money isn't everything. We have spent more money than United for example, but over the past three years they surpassed everything we achieved in our moment of glory, whilst spending less money. It's all about getting the right players and putting together the right squad.

For that reason I wouldn't say City are in a much better position to do well at a later date (although inevitably, due to their wealth will have a head start in transfers meaning a slight advantage). For the next couple of seasons, at least I'd say Chelsea are in a better position as they already have a team put together (although soon the team will have to be revitalised slightly).

My predictions for next year are:

1. Chelsea/United
2. United/Chelsea
3. Liverpool
4. Manchester City
5. Arsenal

...and the year after I'd say City will be 2nd or even 1st depending how well the transfers and management goes.

I'm not writing you lot off, but I also think it would be unfair and wrong to write Chelsea off.

Can I ask your thinking, with regards to leapfrogging Liverpool, I myself don't see them weakening next season?

But, my thinking is we will be stronger. We have made some good signings already, we will have another few also including a marquee name. At the same time, Liverpool may lose Xabi Alonso or the Argentinian CDM (whose name escapes me, Mascarano?) to Real or Barcelona. I feel last season if we had a good manager who is not afraid to change tactics when needed all season like Hiddink, we would have scraped the league. I feel Liverpool were quite lucky and looking at the form of Chelsea at the end of last campaign under Hiddink, it was better than anyone.

I feel United will be much weaker, also, so I don't see a problem in a strengthened Chelsea overtaking both the bin dippers and the rags, the key is Ancelotti imo. Will he be able to get the best out of the players like Hiddink and Mourinho?
svennis pennis said:
fulhamroad22 said:
I'd say Ashley Cole, Ballack, Shevchenko were all bigger names at the time we signed them (with all due respect to Tevez and Adebayor). I feel that if we pulled out the stops to buy a big name we could- but that comes at a price and board seems convinced that everything should be done at a good price. We'll have to wait and see if Adebayor, Tevez is more like a Sheva to you or not.

I feel we would turn the heads of star players due to the fact we are probably the third or fourth best team in Europe (certainly in terms of our CL record).

What I would say is, our team was built around players that were doing well at their respective clubs but not world renowned like Drogba, Carvalho, Robben, Essien. These players have become stars under us and these are also the players that have worked well as a team- this could be a problem City come across, the big names may play as individuals rather than as a team.

As far as Adebayor goes, I wouldn't really want him to be fair. I didn't think he was very good at Arsenal last season and am not convinced by him. Tevez, I'm jealous of. I'd say we should be going for either Pato or Aguero right now as a matter of preference. We certainly need more young players and a player which will provide a link between Lampard and Drogba- Pato or Aguero could cover that. Hopefully we go all out for either of them.

Fair enough, I really dont agree with that list though. In England Cole is a star, but also a wanker. Ballack and Shevchenko were past their peaks as players when you signed them.

Thats my point though. Despite being the richest club in the world, Prem champions etc... You have never managed to turn the head of a Kaka, Ronaldinho etc... We got further down the line with Kaka than you did despite your riches. It has always baffled me in all honesty. You got close to getting Robbie but ultimately, no cigar.

We did turn the head of Kaka, actually. He said he was tempted but the Real negotiations had gone on too long for him to change his mind. I don't think we've ever put in a serious bid for Ronaldinho, but we never needed him at the time when he was good to be fair.

We did turn the head of Gerrard and he nearly signed for us. Could be similar to the current JT saga?

I still think we could attract big stars, Abramovic just needs to realise Chelsea will not make profits until it grows as a business, and he needs to get his wallet out and make some crazy bids.
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