John Terry [Merged]

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Is anyone thinking the 3rd bid may have been put in under the radar, chelsea have accepted and Terry is releasing a statement to say he is off??? It's just wishful thinking on my behalf but would love JT in our awesome new shirt
Personally I'm going mental over this. I'm thinking he is coming. but in the next second I think he is not coming. Please lock me up
BibbyBlue85 said:
Is anyone thinking the 3rd bid may have been put in under the radar, chelsea have accepted and Terry is releasing a statement to say he is off??? It's just wishful thinking on my behalf but would love JT in our awesome new shirt
An optimist - a rare commodity on here? I hope your right, mate!
tolmie's hairdoo said:
BillyShears said:
Putting aside the issue of whether or not he's going to issue a statement...

The damage to Chelsea has been done, IMO, by the quotes from Terry's best mate Lampard.

Those quotes, IMO, were the surest sign yet, that he is far from settled at Chelsea, that he is at the very least, SERIOUSLY considering joining us, and that this situation is nowhere near being resolved.

It's just a conspiracy theory, but Lampard made a point of going on about Terry leaving not being about money, but about other things. He reiterated it a couple of times, and he also reiterated a couple of times, that he believes whether Terry leaves or not he should always be regarded as a Chelsea legend.

Lampard was getting Terry's excuses in for him...

It's a tough one to call...but right now I think the odds are in our favour...

A decent insight, although the flip-side could also apply that Lampard was getting the excuses in, ahead of him staying at Chelsea.

There are a number of fences to be rebuilt, anyway, if Terry does stay. Lampard suggesting Terry's indecision was down to ambition rather than cash, also does the trick.

Lampard's comments also shouldn't be read in to too much. He is by no means the good buddy he once was with Terry.

Remember they had a major falling-out last year when they were supposed to hold firm in talks and Lampard did the dirty and got a better pay deal out.
This is what I wanted to say but you said it better!, me thinks he's staying.
Cant someone just clarify please.... Is it just the Daily Mail that have said a statement will be issued by JT ?
If Terry does come out and make a statement I think it will be bad news for us, he's stayed silent this long and I can't help but think he would continue his silence until a deal has been done one way or the other. I can see the argument that he might prefer to hand in a transfer request while out of the country but I think if he was going to join us he'd do it as soon as they get back from America. To be fair though, whatever the outcome of his statement (if he does make one) it will allow us to all move on, so it'd be good to have it resolved once and for all. Unfortunately I think it might be good news for Chelsea though.
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