John Terry [Merged]

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BibbyBlue85 said:
Is anyone thinking the 3rd bid may have been put in under the radar, chelsea have accepted and Terry is releasing a statement to say he is off??? It's just wishful thinking on my behalf but would love JT in our awesome new shirt
An optimist - a rare commodity on here? I hope your right, mate!

Im ever the optimist mate! I just get the feeling something is going on behind the scenes!
We really do need to strike today if we are going to make another bid we should offer £40 milion and offer terry a 5 year contract something im sure chelsea wouldnt offer him at the the sums being talked about if we are to really assault the big 4 this season we need someone with his leadership qualities and his drive and passion to win
BibbyBlue85 said:
Is anyone thinking the 3rd bid may have been put in under the radar, chelsea have accepted and Terry is releasing a statement to say he is off??? It's just wishful thinking on my behalf but would love JT in our awesome new shirt

Without being too optomistic this could be true - its a win win siuation, chelsea get the money, JT gets to go whilst saying that he is doing it as it is "good business for Chelsea", so the fans are a little pissed off, but they don't want to go on a witch hunt when he get back?

Then again do Chelsea really need the money??
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... l?ITO=1490</a>

they only refer to the london standard source not one of there own
BibbyBlue85 said:
An optimist - a rare commodity on here? I hope your right, mate!

Im ever the optimist mate! I just get the feeling something is going on behind the scenes!
It's about time JT said something. The longer he stays quiet the more it seems he is coming to City.
All the press conferences that Chelsea have had recently and yet JT has been silent. Surely on a tour to the USA the club captain would appear in some of the press conferences? Unless Chelsea are worried he will say he is leaving
vincent said:
Cant someone just clarify please.... Is it just the Daily Mail that have said a statement will be issued by JT ?

The Mails sister paper have released this.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ...</a>
EddH said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Is anyone thinking the 3rd bid may have been put in under the radar, chelsea have accepted and Terry is releasing a statement to say he is off??? It's just wishful thinking on my behalf but would love JT in our awesome new shirt

Without being too optomistic this could be true - its a win win siuation, chelsea get the money, JT gets to go whilst saying that he is doing it as it is "good business for Chelsea", so the fans are a little pissed off, but they don't want to go on a witch hunt when he get back?

Then again do Chelsea really need the money??

They are not the big spenders they used to be imo mate, so in a sense i would say they do need the money. A 28-29 year old centre back for £40million is an awesome deal for them and could be the difference in taking a world class player to their club!
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