John Terry [Merged]

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bizzbo said:
Roman Arkardievich.... love it... but isn't Abramovich a patronymic anyway?

edit: forget it, obviously you know your stuff.

It can be - for instance, Roman's mentor was Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, the Russian oligarch now living in London in exile under the name Platon Elenin. I utterly loathe that man, probably more than I can find the words to describe, so full credit to Roman Arkardievich for turning against him (they had a big Court dispute in London a year or two back, with some very interesting accusations).

However, Red Rom's old man was called Arkady so Arkardievich is his patronymic. Abramovich is, obviously, as a surname or patronymic, a sign of Jewsih roots, which is why all the food in RA's Chelsea suite is kosher.

Dyed Petya said:
bobrivers said:
1. That very well may be but top clubs and Chelsea among them have their own experts in that area, I can assure you, and with the money we've got, we could afford the best and so could other big boys. If anything, those clubs dealt with it much longer than City since before sheik decided to buy your club you weren't exactly associated with top quality players.

2.How are you planning to make that chunk back, as you put it? Your wage bill alone is skyrocketing already, you don't have any income from the CL, you haven't won anything in a very long time and you'll have to spend a whole lot more both in fees and wages before you even reach the level of today's Chelsea to say nothing of the likes of ManUnited, Real or Barca. You keep insisting with that 'image rights' issue as if it's an answer to all City problems while you seem to ignore the fact that until you start delivering on the pitch your players' value as a marketing tool will also mean very little.

Of course,if your owners continue to pump hundreds of millions into the squad year after year while writing them off as gifts the law of averages says you're bound to get there eventually, probably would still take a few years to do that and it will be even harder and more costly to remain there. By that time your debt will make Abramovich's spending look like a kid's visit to the toy store. But that will have absolutely nothing to do with Gary Cook's innovative business policies.

1. I have had professional experience of working for Champions League football clubs as clients, including some of the English Big Four. I need your assurances on nothing. They may have their own experts, but not with the experience and track record from where these things are practised to the most telling degree. By way of comparison, having someone with experience of the sports industry in this area in the States compared to the UK is like having someone with experience of playing for Barcelona and comparing their experience to that of a bloke who plays for Huddersfield Town. (Exaggeration for illustrative purposes).

2. We're planning to make a chunk back, yes. Say we had managed to sign Kaka in January. We'd have offered him a huge basic salary plus big image rights payments and would have taken over his image rights. Beckham expected to pick up GBP 128 million in LA over five years. If we had bought Kaka for GBP 91 million and paid him something similar over the life of his contract (including for image rights) but exploited his image rights so that we received GBP 100 million over the life of his contract, then the net cost of the deal to the club would be greatly reduced. This isn't rocket science. And nor is it something Chelsea have so far pursued with any serious intent. City, currently, are doing so.

Your third, unnumbered, point is rather confused. You're wrong that our debt will become enormous if the Sheikh keeps writing off money. We'll have no debt.

As it happens, I currently live in Russia, studied Russian at university and have created my own business here. I was also here in the 1990s, when your owner made all his money. I've even acted for companies ultimately owned by him. I know more about him, believe me, than you ever could. And there's no comparison between him and our owners.

I'm going to be careful with what I say about Roman Arkardievich for legal reasons. But I do think it's clear that Chelsea doesn't dovetail with any of his other business interests and he hasn't generally treated Chelsea in an especially businesslike fashion. The big thing with our owners, and you'll have to look elsewhere on this site and earlier in this thread for it, is that their overriding interest is in the development of the SportCity site and surrounding land in Manchester.

They expect to make money from that in the long run, which is what, as a sovereign investment fund from a Gulf State, they want to do. They have a long term plan, and the success of the club is extremely helpful to that. They have immense wealth and so are prepared to sink large sums into City as the anchor tenant of the SportCity site to make everything else that comes there even more attractive. They can still hope, in the long term (I'm talking decades), to get it back.

Compare and contrast with Abramovich, whose primary motivation for buying Chelsea was to create an international profile to make it difficult for Putin to have him arrested (ever heard of Khodorkovsky?). Is Roman losing interest? Looks that way from outside. When was the last time he financed the acquisition of a GBP 20 million player? Even though you have a fantastic opportunity this summer, with United and Liverpool both failing to improve meaningfully, no one of real clout has arrived (though Zhirkov is a super player - I've seen a lot of him over here). You'd be real favourites for the league with one or two class additions, but they haven't yet been forthcoming.

On the other hand, our owners have the motive to keep on and on and on building the club up. It's not just the club, but the site that will carry on making money. And transforming the club that's there into a major force can only help in a big, big way. I'm not unrealistic, and I don't expect top four next season, but it will come. You, and other fans of the Big Four, really haven't yet realised what you're dealing with.

Дорогой дядя Петя, никогда не следует заранее утверждать, что вы знаете что-либо лучше чем ваш оппонент, если вы не имеете понятия с кем вы говорите и какова степень осведомленности вашего собеседника в обсуждаемом предмете.

То, что вы проживаете в России и знаете больше о Романе Аркадьевиче чем большинство рядовых посетителей этого форума не делает вас экспертом в моих глазах, поскольку я не только прожил долгую часть жизни в Росии, но и позже проработал несколько лет в компании представлявшей в том числе интересы Абрамовича в США (где я продолжаю жить и работать в данный момент).

Всего хорошего.
Re: Re:

bobrivers said:
Dyed Petya said:
1. I have had professional experience of working for Champions League football clubs as clients, including some of the English Big Four. I need your assurances on nothing. They may have their own experts, but not with the experience and track record from where these things are practised to the most telling degree. By way of comparison, having someone with experience of the sports industry in this area in the States compared to the UK is like having someone with experience of playing for Barcelona and comparing their experience to that of a bloke who plays for Huddersfield Town. (Exaggeration for illustrative purposes).

2. We're planning to make a chunk back, yes. Say we had managed to sign Kaka in January. We'd have offered him a huge basic salary plus big image rights payments and would have taken over his image rights. Beckham expected to pick up GBP 128 million in LA over five years. If we had bought Kaka for GBP 91 million and paid him something similar over the life of his contract (including for image rights) but exploited his image rights so that we received GBP 100 million over the life of his contract, then the net cost of the deal to the club would be greatly reduced. This isn't rocket science. And nor is it something Chelsea have so far pursued with any serious intent. City, currently, are doing so.

Your third, unnumbered, point is rather confused. You're wrong that our debt will become enormous if the Sheikh keeps writing off money. We'll have no debt.

As it happens, I currently live in Russia, studied Russian at university and have created my own business here. I was also here in the 1990s, when your owner made all his money. I've even acted for companies ultimately owned by him. I know more about him, believe me, than you ever could. And there's no comparison between him and our owners.

I'm going to be careful with what I say about Roman Arkardievich for legal reasons. But I do think it's clear that Chelsea doesn't dovetail with any of his other business interests and he hasn't generally treated Chelsea in an especially businesslike fashion. The big thing with our owners, and you'll have to look elsewhere on this site and earlier in this thread for it, is that their overriding interest is in the development of the SportCity site and surrounding land in Manchester.

They expect to make money from that in the long run, which is what, as a sovereign investment fund from a Gulf State, they want to do. They have a long term plan, and the success of the club is extremely helpful to that. They have immense wealth and so are prepared to sink large sums into City as the anchor tenant of the SportCity site to make everything else that comes there even more attractive. They can still hope, in the long term (I'm talking decades), to get it back.

Compare and contrast with Abramovich, whose primary motivation for buying Chelsea was to create an international profile to make it difficult for Putin to have him arrested (ever heard of Khodorkovsky?). Is Roman losing interest? Looks that way from outside. When was the last time he financed the acquisition of a GBP 20 million player? Even though you have a fantastic opportunity this summer, with United and Liverpool both failing to improve meaningfully, no one of real clout has arrived (though Zhirkov is a super player - I've seen a lot of him over here). You'd be real favourites for the league with one or two class additions, but they haven't yet been forthcoming.

On the other hand, our owners have the motive to keep on and on and on building the club up. It's not just the club, but the site that will carry on making money. And transforming the club that's there into a major force can only help in a big, big way. I'm not unrealistic, and I don't expect top four next season, but it will come. You, and other fans of the Big Four, really haven't yet realised what you're dealing with.

Дорогой дядя Петя, никогда не следует заранее утверждать, что вы знаете что-либо лучше чем ваш оппонент, если вы не имеете понятия с кем вы говорите и какова степень осведомленности вашего собеседника в обсуждаемом предмете.

То, что вы проживаете в России и знаете больше о Романе Аркадьевиче чем большинство рядовых посетителей этого форума не делает вас экспертом в моих глазах, поскольку я не только прожил долгую часть жизни в Росии, но и позже проработал несколько лет в компании представлявшей в том числе интересы Абрамовича в США (где я продолжаю жить и работать в данный момент).

Всего хорошего.
i thought exactly the same thing,,Bob
These last 5 or 6 pages are the most high brow I've ever read on here.......

Apart from my shite!
Re: Re:

bobrivers said:
Dear Uncle Peter, you should never argue in advance that you know something better than your opponent, if you do not have a notion of what you say and what degree of awareness of your interlocutor in the subject under discussion.

The fact that you live in Russia and know more about Roman Arkadievich than most ordinary visitors of this forum does not make you an expert in my eyes, because I not only lived a long part of life in Russia, and later worked for several years, representing companies including Abramovich interests in the U.S. (where I continue to live and work at the moment).

Have a good time.

Give him both barrels, DP.
Re: Re:

bobrivers said:
Dyed Petya said:
1. I have had professional experience of working for Champions League football clubs as clients, including some of the English Big Four. I need your assurances on nothing. They may have their own experts, but not with the experience and track record from where these things are practised to the most telling degree. By way of comparison, having someone with experience of the sports industry in this area in the States compared to the UK is like having someone with experience of playing for Barcelona and comparing their experience to that of a bloke who plays for Huddersfield Town. (Exaggeration for illustrative purposes).

2. We're planning to make a chunk back, yes. Say we had managed to sign Kaka in January. We'd have offered him a huge basic salary plus big image rights payments and would have taken over his image rights. Beckham expected to pick up GBP 128 million in LA over five years. If we had bought Kaka for GBP 91 million and paid him something similar over the life of his contract (including for image rights) but exploited his image rights so that we received GBP 100 million over the life of his contract, then the net cost of the deal to the club would be greatly reduced. This isn't rocket science. And nor is it something Chelsea have so far pursued with any serious intent. City, currently, are doing so.

Your third, unnumbered, point is rather confused. You're wrong that our debt will become enormous if the Sheikh keeps writing off money. We'll have no debt.

As it happens, I currently live in Russia, studied Russian at university and have created my own business here. I was also here in the 1990s, when your owner made all his money. I've even acted for companies ultimately owned by him. I know more about him, believe me, than you ever could. And there's no comparison between him and our owners.

I'm going to be careful with what I say about Roman Arkardievich for legal reasons. But I do think it's clear that Chelsea doesn't dovetail with any of his other business interests and he hasn't generally treated Chelsea in an especially businesslike fashion. The big thing with our owners, and you'll have to look elsewhere on this site and earlier in this thread for it, is that their overriding interest is in the development of the SportCity site and surrounding land in Manchester.

They expect to make money from that in the long run, which is what, as a sovereign investment fund from a Gulf State, they want to do. They have a long term plan, and the success of the club is extremely helpful to that. They have immense wealth and so are prepared to sink large sums into City as the anchor tenant of the SportCity site to make everything else that comes there even more attractive. They can still hope, in the long term (I'm talking decades), to get it back.

Compare and contrast with Abramovich, whose primary motivation for buying Chelsea was to create an international profile to make it difficult for Putin to have him arrested (ever heard of Khodorkovsky?). Is Roman losing interest? Looks that way from outside. When was the last time he financed the acquisition of a GBP 20 million player? Even though you have a fantastic opportunity this summer, with United and Liverpool both failing to improve meaningfully, no one of real clout has arrived (though Zhirkov is a super player - I've seen a lot of him over here). You'd be real favourites for the league with one or two class additions, but they haven't yet been forthcoming.

On the other hand, our owners have the motive to keep on and on and on building the club up. It's not just the club, but the site that will carry on making money. And transforming the club that's there into a major force can only help in a big, big way. I'm not unrealistic, and I don't expect top four next season, but it will come. You, and other fans of the Big Four, really haven't yet realised what you're dealing with.

Дорогой дядя Петя, никогда не следует заранее утверждать, что вы знаете что-либо лучше чем ваш оппонент, если вы не имеете понятия с кем вы говорите и какова степень осведомленности вашего собеседника в обсуждаемом предмете.

То, что вы проживаете в России и знаете больше о Романе Аркадьевиче чем большинство рядовых посетителей этого форума не делает вас экспертом в моих глазах, поскольку я не только прожил долгую часть жизни в Росии, но и позже проработал несколько лет в компании представлявшей в том числе интересы Абрамовича в США (где я продолжаю жить и работать в данный момент).

Всего хорошего.


Dyed Petya & Bob,

As you have both lived in Russia maybe you can answer this....

Is Jo likely to make it ever at City, or indeed in the Prem.

Whatever happened at Everton Im convinced if he's suited to the Prem.

Also from your time in Russia can you confirm if he is indeed cup-tied?
JT says goodbye to the fans!!:

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