John Terry [Merged]

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Thaksinssoldier said:
no its not...Chelsea just pulled it so they can maximise the pr.

The end in our minds, but it may drag on 'officially' or are you saying nothing is sorted yet and Chelsea are just dropping hints to put out good PR whilst they're in the US?
Rammy Blue said:
ManCityX said:
Probably the end of this one.


you're missing the point mate - the article has been removed which is potentially great news.

Yup, thanks for pointing that out because I was thinking it would be all over now. Terry is one of the greatest defenders in the world, and as we have all said how great it would be to have him at City
I just can't believe Chelsea would go on a 10 day promotional tour and their captain would not speak once just so he can improve his contract. Not having it, this is gonna happen.
vincent said:
I just can't believe Chelsea would go on a 10 day promotional tour and their captain would not speak once just so he can improve his contract. Not having it, this is gonna happen.

Even after that article?
ManCityX said:
vincent said:
I just can't believe Chelsea would go on a 10 day promotional tour and their captain would not speak once just so he can improve his contract. Not having it, this is gonna happen.

Even after that article?

The article that has been pulled ?
chorleybloo123 said:
ManCityX said:
Even after that article?

Try and find it.

I wouldn't be suprised if it goes back up later, I'm sure I've had that before on newspaper sites where an article is there for a while, goes away then pops back up. I hope it doesn't come back though!
What did the article say and were was it posted ?

Fuck me, i must be bored im watching broken arrow for about the 600th time..
If you're interested in the translation...

bobrivers said:
Дорогой дядя Петя, никогда не следует заранее утверждать, что вы знаете что-либо лучше чем ваш оппонент, если вы не имеете понятия с кем вы говорите и какова степень осведомленности вашего собеседника в обсуждаемом предмете.

То, что вы проживаете в России и знаете больше о Романе Аркадьевиче чем большинство рядовых посетителей этого форума не делает вас экспертом в моих глазах, поскольку я не только прожил долгую часть жизни в Росии, но и позже проработал несколько лет в компании представлявшей в том числе интересы Абрамовича в США (где я продолжаю жить и работать в данный момент).

Всего хорошего.

Dear Uncle Peter, you should never argue in advance that you know something better than your opponent, if you do not have a notion of what you say and what degree of awareness of your interlocutor in the subject under discussion.

The fact that you live in Russia and know more about Roman Arkadievich than most ordinary visitors of this forum does not make you an expert in my eyes, because I not only lived a long part of life in Russia, and later worked for several years, representing companies including Abramovich interests in the U.S. (where I continue to live and work at the moment).

Have a good time.
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