John Terry [Merged]

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Thaksinssoldier said:
Simon23 this was always about us throwing our weight around..not about being seen as the nice guys.We've always been nice and everyones second bloody team.

Not anymore.

Let us crush them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flyer said:
nhsuperstar said:
flyer said:
Pam said:
If our tea lady were to ring in sick tomorrow morning, SSN would be spinning it as "unrest and instablity at MCFC"

What's wrong with her?

she's signed for the dippers. no official comment but something to do with tea leaves

Its all about money and how much she can urn

it's understandable really, as I was told she never had a pot to piss in..
simon23 said:
i dont think he will come

he will turn around and say that he wants to stay and that it never crossed his mind to leave

we will end up looking bad again in the media's eyes......and if by the smallest chance he does turn around and say he wants to come...then we will be ruining football and he will only becoming or the win situation (except for the fact that we get a very good centre half)

This is just what will happen.
ono said:
Sky have obviously been down there with the Sturridge interview....

So surely they will have made an attempt to speak to JT see as it's all over the papers about him possibly leaving.

So with that in mind, why haven't they been able to get a simple interview with him? I mean if he wants to stay it would only take 2 mins of his time to say so. It's not hard. Today would have been the perfect time to put it to bed.

IMO he's either pretty interested or he's unhappy at Chelsea and wants a new contract sorted out. Even if the latter was the case it wouln't be hard for him to give an interview explaining the situation a little bit like Ireland did. Fans would appreciate that more than silence.

which all leads to him thinkin of joining the real blues
she's signed for the dippers. no official comment but something to do with tea leaves[/quote]

Its all about money and how much she can urn[/quote]

Well it would be a massive loss but lets hope she can give us some answers to why she left. It will be very hard to find a replacement because she was Mrs. City and was the heart and soul of the club. Its a very sad day for the club.[/quote]

I'm just glad the club has clarified the situation, its not good to let these things stew. It would have been difficult for her, a terrible strain. Hopefully she will be the recipent of a little sweetener to recognise her efforts.
Okay, I admit here and now. I am a Chelsea fan. I come in peace.

First off, your club has balls for going for JT and I admire that. What you are doing now is similar to what we did 5-6 years ago, and to be fair the club are showing a lot of ambition, and they aren't afraid of going for their targets.

However, I don't think you're going to get JT. He loves Chelsea. He gets paid well. His family are settled. He is captain. We can win literally every trophy. He has a great relationship with the fans and I don't think would want to do anything to jeapordise that. I think even if the bid was accepted, in the end he wouldn't be able to pull himself away.

So IMO its not going to happen.

I admit I'm a member of CFCnet (under another username) and there's a lot of people on there who are emotional about potentially losing JT. There've been a few people (including me) who may have suggested a few wind ups, but honestly its all in banter and jest. There's nothing personal meant.

It is an interesting debate, and as a Chelsea fan with the experience of 5/6 years ago when it was us spending all the money, to see someone else come from, with all due respect, further behind than us (we were top 4 and a cup-winning side before Roman) and to try and do the same, on a potentially bigger scale, is very interesting to observe and I think as Chelsea fans we probably get what you're experiencing right now better than anyone because of our own experience - and long years without a trophy before 1997, and long years without a league title before 2005.

I wish you well, but you won't get JT. Honestly.

Oh and any of you who think CFCnet is a place to find the answers to your rumours, it isn't. We don't have ITK people on there, and if there are, they don't disclose anything.
What's wrong with her?[/quote]

she's signed for the dippers. no official comment but something to do with tea leaves[/quote]

Its all about money and how much she can urn[/quote]


Money grabbin witch, her tea was wnak anyway, hahaha
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