John Terry [Merged]

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just glad the speculation is over and we can get on with it.... it would have been a real statement signing and was clearly bloody close - but time now to move on.

In the cold light of day you have to question what the motivation and commitment would have been with backs against the wall from someone who is so through and through chelsea.

I understand (contact who works at senior management level at everton) that they are resigned to lescott leaving as they cannot compete with our wages and don't want to break their fairly strict wage structure. They are however holding out for more cash and searching for a replacement. Hope Nedum does not go the other way but no gossip on this.

yankblue said:
Just because Terry rejected us doesn't mean that we have any right to rip him to shreds. He's Mr. Chelsea, England captain, and we tried to bring him to a club with no European footy, no trophies in over 3 decades, that finished 10th last season, it would've been the coup of the century if we had pulled it off. He didn't slag us off, or anything like that, he just basically said "i'm staying at Chelsea". The fact that it took him 3 weeks shows that he was considering our offer so I don't see why everyone is attacking him.

Agree. People are showing a lot of unnecessary bitterness. Just because he doesn't want to play for city doesn't make him a twat.
riley347 said:
terry will deeply regret this in time to come,although i don,t ever expect him to admit it......still maintain we,ve given him a sunday deadline to choose,and he didn,t have the bottle to move...........

I think there may be something in this theory

From Cities point of view as well it would appear that this has taken the dream of Chelsea being self financing another major step backwards, it will be pay rises all round now, has Roman got pockets deep enough to finance all this plus the major rebuilding that is needed over the next few years?
scousemanc said:
yankblue said:
Just because Terry rejected us doesn't mean that we have any right to rip him to shreds. He's Mr. Chelsea, England captain, and we tried to bring him to a club with no European footy, no trophies in over 3 decades, that finished 10th last season, it would've been the coup of the century if we had pulled it off. He didn't slag us off, or anything like that, he just basically said "i'm staying at Chelsea". The fact that it took him 3 weeks shows that he was considering our offer so I don't see why everyone is attacking him.

Agree. People are showing a lot of unnecessary bitterness. Just because he doesn't want to play for city doesn't make him a twat.

Exactly! And for the poster above who said he will live to regret not signing for us, i can see them winning either the Prem or Champs Lg or even both this season! kept the core of their squad, added the (IMO) oustanding Zhirkov to their already excellent squad! plus whoever else they buy! and they've got the manager who's been to as many Champions Lg finals as any! they are favourites for every comp they are in! he wont even remember beeing courted by City come next May!
Roman's Men said:
Well the good thing is that most of you didn't want him in the first place. Now we're stuck with him :(

Lol. I'm dissapointed but always felt this was inevitable. It's a bit annoying that he's disrupted our pre-season cos by now we could probably have swiped Toure or Lescott if we'd not focused on JT.

Anyone who thinks he wouldn't have been a good signing is maaaaad. The figure doesn't matter, I don't know why people are saying 'we should never pay that much' when the owners have already said it's about getting into the top 4 no matter the cost, and that the money is a gift to be written off.
He would have been hounded home and away which would have affected his game. Good move IMO.
manchester blue said:
He would have been hounded home and away which would have affected his game. Good move IMO.

thank fuck, good player if he stays fit, but for how much longer can he stay at the top with his injury problem.

i dont give a monkeys how much money our owners have, they arn`t going to give us the keys to the vault. we have to get players in the we can add value to. buying 30 year olds like upton for example it total nonsense. in 18 month we will have lost the money we paid for him plus his wages and probably a big signing on fee it economic madness.
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