Join me Hughes outers?

It's the club I follow not individual players/managers. It just helps to have players that I can relate to and a manager that I could trust with driving the ship.

May have to wait 'til xmas for the latter.

Roll on the summer.
BillyShears said:
moomba said:
BillyShears said:
The thread's aim is obviously to just get everyone to unite behind the manager for the moment...but you just can't help yourself.

If I don't think the manager is the right man for the job why would I change my opinion just because the board thinks differently.

If Wardle appointed Pearce for another year would you have stayed quiet and "just got behind the manager".

I don't expect you to "get behind the manager" as it is quite clear that you are incapable of doing that...

The irony in the Pearce question is CLEARLY lost on you...

Carry on your one man crusade against all things Welsh...

Although I do agree with what Moomba is saying about MH I really dont' get what your beef is Billy. After all it is possible to be behind the team but not the manager because you don't have faith in his abilities to carry our the job!.
Mike D said:
Although I do agree with what Moomba is saying about MH I really dont' get what your beef is Billy. After all it is possible to be behind the team but not the manager because you don't have faith in his abilities to carry our the job!.

I'm not a Hughes lover either. But if you go back and read Moomba's contributions to this thread you can see he takes some delight in being a contrary fucker. We all know we have reservations about Hughes. But if you read the sentiments of the OP, they are well worded and well founded.

The likes of Moomba have had all season to air their constant negativity - if the OP starts a thread saying "sod it, he's here for now, so lets get back to supporting the team" i see no point in piping up with the obligatory "I'll say what I want, when I want, because I'm free to do what I want, because its a messageboard, and I will do and say as I see fit blah blah blah..."
When two to three years ago, if someone started a thread saying lets all shut up and get behind SP you would have gone ballistic.

And for some reason you seem to be reluctant to admit that.

And I'm not being contrary, I disagree with the idea that we should be reluctant in any way to air our opinions about the club and manager (good and bad) on an internet message board.
moomba said:
When two to three years ago, if someone started a thread saying lets all shut up and get behind SP you would have gone ballistic.

And for some reason you seem to be reluctant to admit that.

Pearce nearly relegated us, and we played the worst football I have seen in my lifetime as a City supporter under him. Him and Wardle between them inadvertently contrived to drive away a portion of City's loyal support with their shambolic running of the club and first team affairs.

Comparing that to the current situation is simply laughable Moomba. Even on the face of it, its laughable. Your argument is laughable. In fact, I can't stop laughing at your posts in this thread...

So tell me, did you rip up your season ticket when we signed Bellamy...? Ooh, let me guess. You want me to send you a PM before you'll answer that...jog on pal. Comedy hour is up...
moomba said:
When two to three years ago, if someone started a thread saying lets all shut up and get behind SP you would have gone ballistic.

And for some reason you seem to be reluctant to admit that.

And I'm not being contrary, I disagree with the idea that we should be reluctant in any way to air our opinions about the club and manager (good and bad) on an internet message board.

Feels to me like you constantly hide behind this line. At face value i completely agree, yet its quite clear that simply airing an opinion is not the main reason a lot of posters are deciding to jump up and down screaming "Look at me! Look at me!" the amount of threads and the excuses both "inners" and "outers" are coming up with are pathetic.

If it was simply about airing opinions we'd have one or two main threads and a few discussing specific details... instead we have scores of people posting absolute shit for no seemingly rational reason.
BillyShears said:
Pearce nearly relegated us, and we played the worst football I have seen in my lifetime as a City supporter under him. Him and Wardle between them inadvertently contrived to drive away a portion of City's loyal support with their shambolic running of the club and first team affairs.

Comparing that to the current situation is simply laughable Moomba. Even on the face of it, its laughable. Your argument is laughable. In fact, I can't stop laughing at your posts in this thread...

Theres absolutely no difference at all. You either believe that you should shut up and get behind the manager when he receives the vote of confidence or you don't.

How you feel about Pearce (who did a good job considering the funds he didn't have) is how I feel about Hughes. And you're a hypocrite if you think I have no right to air my opinion on Hughes.

So tell me, did you rip up your season ticket when we signed Bellamy...? Ooh, let me guess. You want me to send you a PM before you'll answer that...jog on pal. Comedy hour is up...

Jog on eh? Never took you for a wannabee cockney hoolie.

Seeing as you're more interested in grandstanding than than whether or not I actually did hand in the season ticket I'll tell you.

No I didn't.

But I didn't go to a game that Bellend played in.
GStar said:
Feels to me like you constantly hide behind this line. At face value i completely agree, yet its quite clear that simply airing an opinion is not the main reason a lot of posters are deciding to jump up and down screaming "Look at me! Look at me!" the amount of threads and the excuses both "inners" and "outers" are coming up with are pathetic.

If it was simply about airing opinions we'd have one or two main threads and a few discussing specific details... instead we have scores of people posting absolute shit for no seemingly rational reason.

I generally post in response to threads already started.

I've posted one thread this week about Hughes, and that was about what he could do to get people onside (positive thread).

I'm hiding behind nothing, but getting a bit sick and tired of people telling me what I can or can't write on this message board.
Bonol said:

Why "Ha ha." The owners have stated their intention to back MH. The money spent on the club is being donated courtesy of the owners. So an attack on MH is an attack on the authority of the club, a rebellion within, a civil war. The problem is you aint got enough soldiers.

A time traveller, where do you come from, 19th century?

The players rule. The manager is a babysitter, take it or leave it.
In my view the Academy players more important than Hughes.

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