Joke thread

A drunk guy is in a bar and has to do #2. So he goes to the toilet. He's in there quite a while and making a lot of noise, so the bar manager comes in there.

"What seems to be the problem in here? You're screaming and scaring the customers."

"I'm trying to take a shit and every time I try to flush, something comes up and grabs my balls and squeezes them!"

"That's because you're sitting on the mop bucket, dummy!"
Sunday school teacher asks the class what part of you does God take to heaven?

First girl says "your hands, because when you pray you hold your hands up"

Second boy says "your head, because when you think about God it's with your head!"

Little Johnny speaks up "it's your feet! I heard my mom just a few days ago yelling "Oh god, oh god, I'm coming!" When I went to see what was happening her feet were up in the air and if my dad hadn't pinned her down I think we would have lost her!"

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