Joke thread

Whats orange and sounds like a parrot ??

A Carrot.

Whats the best thing about sex with 28 year olds ??

Theres 20 of em..
I felt like a fool when I bought Amy Winehouse tickets for my daughter and then remembered that she died last year.

Even more so when I remembered that Amy Winehouse died too.

I asked a pretty, young, homeless woman if I could take her home, and she said yes with a big smile.

The look on her face soon changed when I walked off with her cardboard box.
If my wife has got 6 oranges in one hand and 6 apples in the other hand, what has she got?

No chance of stopping an upper cut.
whats the defenition of 'endless love'??

Stevie wonder and ray charles playing tennis.

Policeman to man on street.." excuse me sir,why have you got a pink and yellow pillow tied to your head" ??

Man; " I always have a pink and yellow pillow tied to my head on Tuesdays"!

Policeman;" but today's monday"!!

Man;" oh fuck me..I bet I look a right ****"!!
I was dating this conjoined twin for a while, but she dumped me for seeing her sister behind her back.
I took a girl home after night-clubbing last night. After a few drinks at mine
we went up stairs and while we were taking our clothes off a voice came from the bed and said,
"I hope thats not that fat woman from last week?"
The girl said "what the fuck was that?"
I said" its that bastard memory foam mattress!"
My young nephew asked me how babies are made.

I had no idea how to approach it so I looked online and found a
video that explains it all.

I told him at the end of the video "It's basically just like that, only the white stuff on her face should have gone up her fanny".<br /><br />-- Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:48 pm --<br /><br />A pretty primary school teacher, is concerned about one of her pupil's,
So she take's him aside after class,
She say's,
"Jack,i'm concerned about your work,
You seem distracted",
Blushing,Jack say's"I'm in love miss",
Smiling,the Teacher say's"Who with?",
Jack say's"You miss",
The Teacher say's,"But Jack,dont you see how silly this is?,
It's true,i want a husband one day,But i dont want a child",

Jack say's"Dont worry Miss,I'll cum on your tit's".

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