Jonny Evans

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Let's hope it doesn't happen before Monday, it will be interesting to gauge Pep's reaction to the fans reaction

Why do you, or anyone, think Pep should give a fuck what the "fans" think?

Pep has a job to do and if he thinks Evans is the man he needs then the overblown outrage, because he used to play for the rags, should (and will be) water off a duck's back.

While we're on the topic, fan opinion is pretty fickle. The same posters horrified at the thought of Kun being replaced, or even more attackers being brought in, are bleating that what we have isn't enough. KDB ran the gauntlet from unfit for Pep's system and sellable to the best player in the league last year. Opinion on John Stones, and whether he's worth the hefty cost we paid, changes by the match and his player thread is a trainwreck.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Evans is far from an enthusiastic signing, but we've just come off the back of one of our best transfer windows ever. Let Pep get his team and, if it doesn't work out, then we'll see about flapping.
I think he'll do OK, and a lot of this hysteria will die down after his first couple of games.
Well he better improve quick then because all I see is cock up after cock up and no footballing brain.

He's a talented lad but at the top level you need a footballing brain and that can't be taught not even by Pep.

You must have a seat really high up or in the pub that only serves absanthe because clearly we are watching different players. He is a modern Cente half, get used to it. He is young he is learning his game and he is a professional at the best club in the world with the best Manager, coaching staff, facilities and mentor in Kompany. There is no way he wont one day be captain and our best CB.
Popped to Tesco Handforth Dean for dog food, so missed the last 75 pages

So, in a nutshell, are people coming round to him yet?
Yep, can cover left back too in an emergency.

Yeah can picture him now, marauding down the wing, one two with silva, hits the by line and whips in a cross right to the feet of kun who slams it in the top corner.

He might be left footed, but he aint a full back. Would have to be some emergency!
Why do you, or anyone, think Pep should give a fuck what the "fans" think?

Pep has a job to do and if he thinks Evans is the man he needs then the overblown outrage, because he used to play for the rags, should (and will be) water off a duck's back.

While we're on the topic, fan opinion is pretty fickle. The same posters horrified at the thought of Kun being replaced, or even more attackers being brought in, are bleating that what we have isn't enough. KDB ran the gauntlet from unfit for Pep's system and sellable to the best player in the league last year. Opinion on John Stones, and whether he's worth the hefty cost we paid, changes by the match and his player thread is a trainwreck.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Evans is far from an enthusiastic signing, but we've just come off the back of one of our best transfer windows ever. Let Pep get his team and, if it doesn't work out, then we'll see about flapping.
Simple answer, because Jonny Evans is average at best, and that's being fucking kind. Also he is 29 and we are trying to spend £20M + on younger players (aren't we?). The rag attachment doesn't help, but it didn't hinder Carlos, the lack of ability will hinder Jonny average. Also I couldn't give a fuck that Pep doesn't give a fuck; football origins included being a way of the working man, or woman, letting off steam, I still am and still do. To think Jonny evans is not good enough by some considerable distance, and giving Jonny some shit on Monday, isn't flapping, it's common fucking sense
Let's hope it doesn't happen before Monday, it will be interesting to gauge Pep's reaction to the fans reaction

He has never given a fuck about fan's reactions. When he took over at Barcelona he sold three fan's favourites if I am not mistaken. All that works well when you are successful and at Barcelona he was. If we won the treble with Evan's playing a key role he would be hailed a genius, if we crash and burn he will get hammered. That's why we hired him and are paying him mega buck's.
Yeah can picture him now, marauding down the wing, one two with silva, hits the by line and whips in a cross right to the feet of kun who slams it in the top corner.

He might be left footed, but he aint a full back. Would have to be some emergency!

He's played there quite a few times for United and West Brom, but yeah he's not really a Guardiola type full back!
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