Jonny Evans

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This has got to be a f***ing joke, right?

Which Journo, paper or website made this one up?

Being linked with the ex-Rag Jonnyfor f***sake Evans is bad enough.

But for eighteen million pounds, and West Brom have the cheek to turn that down if true, is taking the piss.

If this really is true, I swear to God it can't be, somebody at City needs their head testing. Namely the People running the club and managing the team.

Jonny Evans?! Good Lord!
You can't be that angry if you can't bring yourself to actually swear.
We have signed United players before (I got excited when we signed terry cooke ffs sorry) but this feels totally wrong. Cant put my finger on why though. Maybe it's the thought of the 20 million price tag. Or maybe I've become a snob and think that city shouldn't buy players from West Bromwich, especially one who always seems injured. No offense to wba.
I don't know. It's a weird one. I can't believe this is a person pep has asked for surely? He's not even cheap!
I don't even think jonny would want to come here coz I'm sure he's well aware of the shit he would get if he makes a howler.
Football is a funny old game
that would be some fucking big smoke cloud to blow up somebody ass if we are after somebody else and using johnny evens to push the deal along

Agreed. But I don't recall TH saying we were after a CB. Why not keep, Tosin, Manga, Denayer and not spunk £18m+ down the drain? Something is afoot.
complete madness to pay 18m, hes not coming for a year so i would expect a 3 year deal taking him to the age of 33, so we get rid a year before his contract expires at what cost? probably pack him off to Burnley and pay his wages, id sooner the club paid the same ammount out for a 23 year old Italian with prospects,what next fucking paddy crerand for head barman
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