Jose Mourinho

You also have to realise that at both Chelsea and Inter Mourinho inherited very good squads, and in the case of the latter Mancini has already built him a title winning team which all he had to do was maintain. The only place where Mourinho had to actually build his team was at Porto, where he finished 3rd in his first season before winning back to back titles. If people think that the Italian league is poor, I wonder what they think of the Portuguese League! By contrast as I have stated in previous posts, Mancini has shown that he is a winner, and has an illustrious track record of building teams (his success at Fiorentina, Lazio and Inter are testament to that).

I for one do not want Mourinihio at Eastlands but it does have to be noted that he started his success at Porto by winning the chumps league before he inherited a good squad
robbieh said:
mcfc_die_hard said:
Great post mate. I don't like how he takes the credit for everything his team achieves either. I also want a long term manager, not one who will use us as a stepping stone to Real Madrid

how can you say city would be a stepping stone? he could go to madrid now if he wanted to

Not so fast matey. Real would much prefer Wenger. Mourinho is seen in Spain a bit like he is in Italy with no great affection. Most Spanish people dislike arrogance.

However I think is holding out for Madrid and if they ever come calling he would leave City without a second thought and would engineer an exit.[/quote]

He'd go down a storm at Paris Saint-Germain than!
Was it a "Get Your Arse in Gear" message to ADUG?

Was it a "Don't worry, I've given my word" message to ADUG?

Or am I being mischievous? ;-)
BillyShears said:
In the wake of recent quotes from both Mourinho's agent, and the Inter Milan president, that Mourinho plans to see out of the remainder of his contract, it did seem a rather calculated, and contrary set of quotes...

It's all to do with Jose's buyout clause which he has already confirmed stands at 5.5mil, he hardly wants to have to pay to go and will want to leave via "mutual consent" therefore foregoing having to make the payment - just like in any business, hence Moratti saying he is staying.

Mindgames, Jose loves them.
Didsbury Dave said:
Was it a "Get Your Arse in Gear" message to ADUG?

Was it a "Don't worry, I've given my word" message to ADUG?

Or am I being mischievous? ;-)

Or was it an 'I know of city's interest but really want to go somewhere else so please come and get me'?

Two can play the mischevious game!
It all depends on whether the special one actually wants to come to us, which is a big if. If he does, i'll be made up. Those who say it'll be a soap opera, well we've been a soap opera for the last 30 years, so we're used to that. The only thing that has changed is the story line.....and the address, from laughing stock in coronation street, to nouveau riche in hollyoaks.

As for stability and him only hanging around for 3 years, well how many top clubs these days have managers that stick around for longer..some granted, but becoming rarer and rarer.

I'll take 3 trophy laden years anyday.....and on that success if he did upsticks, well then maybe pep at barca will be available and want to come to a club that is successful.

Mourinho's record of success speaks for itself.....yes he's controversial and has a huge ego, but at least we'll have a laugh for once with our post match interviews unlike the last few we've had....

other clubs will hate what.

As for Mancini, i like the guy, but as posted elsewhere, someone who continues to pick de jong in midfield, doesn't cut it for me.
fbloke said:
Here's a report I tend to agree with -

Over the years, England has taken to her heart lots of foreigners with funny voices.
Rolf Harris, Yuri Geller, Lloyd Grossman, Prince Phillip, and, of late, Aleksandr (Compare The) Meerkat have all woven themselves into fabric of our national life. We’re very fond of them all.
But the most popular member of our foreign legion, the most adored and admired – the most special – is currently being forced to live in exile. And my God we want him back.
Sky Sports last night interrupted their half-time analysis of Manchester United’s fascinating Champions League quarter-final with Barcelona to bring us an exclusive interview with Jose Mourinho. “I don’t like Italian football, and they don’t like me,” said Mourinho, in his funny foreign voice. “Simple.”
Richard Keys, the embodiment of our national crush on Mourinho, beamed with excitement at this quote, visibly stirred by the prospect of our hero returning ‘home’. “We love him,” agreed Jamie Redknapp, who, when he’s not doing his studio thing, presents Sky 1’s Search For A Star, the channel’s attempt to turn Mourinho into Simon Cowell. It’s as good as it sounds.
Clearly, neither Jamie nor Richard thought there was anything wrong in devoting so much of their precious half-time analysis slot to a routine Mourinho interview (Indeed, given their excitement, it was a surprise they didn’t can the second half and play endless loops of Mourinho pouting “Simple”, with Pomp and Circumstance playing in the background).
And let’s be clear. It was a routine interview. Anyone who’s kept half an eye on Italian football over the last two years will know that Mourinho’s not happy in Serie A, where his shtick just doesn’t work. His latest interview hasn’t moved the story on, so why did Sky allow it to overshadow their programme?
Sky employ an excellent analyst in Ruud Gullit, but once they’re done with adverts, replays, Jamie, and the obligatory Geoff Shreeves/Alex Ferguson interview, Gullit has no time to properly analyse anything. It was the same after the whistle, with the post-match discussion again dominated by Mourinho, as if he was somehow the story of the night.
Don’t get me wrong, Mourinho taking over Manchester City – the only possible job for him here – would be a hugely entertaining prospect. But that’s not happening. Not yet, at least.
And until it does, I’d rather Sky didn’t keep dumbing down what is already fairly dumb coverage with celebrity interviews. Bayern Munich vs Manchester United is a big deal, it doesn’t need irrelevant sideshows.

Shit, I must have missed that game.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Was it a "Get Your Arse in Gear" message to ADUG?

Was it a "Don't worry, I've given my word" message to ADUG?

Or am I being mischievous? ;-)

Or was it an 'I know of city's interest but really want to go somewhere else so please come and get me'?

Two can play the mischevious game!

I would you imagine you read it as "I've on offer from City but if Burnley decide to part company with Brian Laws I'd take that like a shot." :-)

I'm sure it's neither. If he wants to send a message to a club his agent can do it via telephone.

It's probably a message to Inter and the whole of Italy. A kind of "Fuck you" if you like.
Rammy Blue said:
BillyShears said:
In the wake of recent quotes from both Mourinho's agent, and the Inter Milan president, that Mourinho plans to see out of the remainder of his contract, it did seem a rather calculated, and contrary set of quotes...

It's all to do with Jose's buyout clause which he has already confirmed stands at 5.5mil, he hardly wants to have to pay to go and will want to leave via "mutual consent" therefore foregoing having to make the payment - just like in any business, hence Moratti saying he is staying.

Mindgames, Jose loves them.

No matter what happens, Moratti won't sack Mourinho, makes no sense on any level. So Jose will have to pay out his buy out clause if he wants to walk this summer. To suggest that outburst was about something as trivial as 5 million euros to a man who's currently earning what, 12 million euros a year, after tax, who knows if he leaves for another job, his new employer will pay the buy out clause...yeah, I just find that impossible to believe.
His stated intention is to win the Premier League (done) Serie A (done) and La Liga...........not done. Therefore Real Madrid is his likely choice if they can afford him.
Seeing as Spain (like Scotland) is usually a 2 horse race every season and Barcelona will not lose Pep Guardiola then Real Madrid is his only option in La Liga.
If that doesn't materialise then it's back to the Premier League for Jose and there is only one club that can afford his wage..............US. To join MUFC or Pool would mean a pay cut!!! Chelsea I would suggest could be dark horses if Jose & Roman can patch up their differences.
So in conclusion I would put MCFC as his 3rd choice behind Real & Chelsea.
If it was simply a matter of money we would be unbeatable!

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