Jose Mourinho

I didn’t watch Taylor’s display and I obviously think what happened in the airport was a disgrace. However I do find the narrative slightly hypocritical. The performance of English referees has been poor for a long time and I have watched many champions league referees put ours to shame. The usage of English referees internationally seems to be less now as well and when they are used they don’t seem up to it. Does anyone remember Howard Webb in that World Cup Final missing that Nigel de Jong assault?
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Referees need to be paid considerably more, as that tends to help reduce the risk of individual corruption (that is, outside entities capturing them for match manipulation; organisational corruption is a different problem entirely) and incentivise people to want to become referees despite the challenges and public pressures.

But, as you said, with that higher compensation would need to come higher accountability similar to other well-paid professions in sport. That includes being mic’d on the pitch, with their comms being broadcast live (FIFA, then the PL, has to be forced in to allowing this), and post-match interviews to explain decisions. It also should include a public grading system so the results of the so-called internal assessments (and the supposed corrective actions taken) are more visible.

These steps would only increase the confidence fans have in officiating (and the top leagues can afford to implement them), so with every season that passes without these changes, fans rightly become more and more suspicious of why, and question more the integrity of not only the officials but the leagues themselves.
That’s what I meant, but you put it so much more eloquently :)
Maureen's latest publicity stunt was always going to happen. He's a showman, a performer, and he'll stoop to any level in order to maintain a high profile within the sport. He has got to do this because he knows he is unlikely to ever manage in the Premier league again, and that is where the kudos is, the money, the adulation - the attention he so obviously craves.
His outbursts and histrionics are what keeps him relevant, it's certainly not his style of football that generates public interest. So off he goes again, the ringmaster in the travelling circus that is Mourinho: the flamboyant Master of Ceremonies, the Liberace of football takes centre stage yet again.

This. He lives by the Oscar Wilde quote, that any publicity is good publicity. It was always going to happen regardless of the result. Wins, he basks in the glory of a 100% record in cup finals. Lose, rant at the referee in the post match press conference, complain that he's the victim of elaborate conspiracies and Machivellian plots, confront the referee in the car park in full view of the camera's which will go viral. He knows exactly what he's doing and the impact it will have, he revels in being the pantomine, theatre villain. However, he's now becoming a caricature of himself, both in terms of his personality and his style of football. In his early days, he was an outstanding coach, his Chelsea team in his first spell did play some decent stuff, especially with Robben and Duff on the wings, and winning the treble with Inter, was a very special achievement. He also won La Liga with Real Madrid with 100 points. Now though, he's been left behind, and he obviously can't stand the fact that managers like Pep, Arteta, Klopp, Pochettino, Tuchel, etc, are taking his place and he isn't being considered in that top bracket anymore. He went to United to try and unseat Pep and it failed. Spurs was his last chance at the Premier League, and that failed too. His antics are the only thing keeping him in the spotlight, because the football sure isn't, but he'll get another decent job somewhere else. Once Europe finally gets tired of the Mourinho circus, it will probably head to Saudi Arabia.
Disgraceful behaviour. Not surprising to be honest. He destroys confidence and self esteem in people.

I will never forget how he treated Dele Alli (Yes some of the problems are self inflicted) and Danny Rose. He isn't a people person and that is not a good trait to have in football.

He needs to get a 8 match ban and banned from European football (Touchline ban) for a 1 season.
Disgraceful behaviour. Not surprising to be honest. He destroys confidence and self esteem in people.

I will never forget how he treated Dele Alli (Yes some of the problems are self inflicted) and Danny Rose. He isn't a people person and that is not a good trait to have in football.

He needs to get a 8 match ban and banned from European football (Touchline ban) for a 1 season.
I'd go further and ban him from all football for an entire season. Whoever he's managing at the time would have to stop his wages (not that that will cause him any hardship) and I'd leave him in no uncertainty as to what will happen if kicks off again.
Referees need to be paid considerably more, as that tends to help reduce the risk of individual corruption (that is, outside entities capturing them for match manipulation; organisational corruption is a different problem entirely) and incentivise people to want to become referees despite the challenges and public pressures.

But, as you said, with that higher compensation would need to come higher accountability similar to other well-paid professions in sport. That includes being mic’d on the pitch, with their comms being broadcast live (FIFA, then the PL, has to be forced in to allowing this), and post-match interviews to explain decisions. It also should include a public grading system so the results of the so-called internal assessments (and the supposed corrective actions taken) are more visible.

These steps would only increase the confidence fans have in officiating (and the top leagues can afford to implement them), so with every season that passes without these changes, fans rightly become more and more suspicious of why, and question more the integrity of not only the officials but the leagues themselves.
Mrs Vienna has been saying this for years.
Mrs Vienna has been saying this for years.
It will do nothing to have refs do post match interviews. Did you not see the car crash that was Howard Webb on Sky explaining VAR this season. It will be all the typical nonsense you would expect from a media trained TV personality.

"So Anthony, why did you give the rags a 99th min penalty. "

"Well Geoff, I saw Bruno go down under contact from Ruben Dias and I deemed it a penalty."

"Thanks for your time Anthony. "

Refs however should be mic'd up and if VAR is in play, the comms should be broadcast live.
I didn’t watch Taylor’s display and I obviously think what happened in the airport was a disgrace. However I do find the narrative slightly hypocritical. The performance of English referees has been poor for a long time and I have watched many champions league referees put ours to shame. The usage of English referees internationally seems to be less now as well and when they are used they don’t seem up to it. Does anyone remember Howard Webb in that World Cup Final missing that Nigel de Jong assault?

I watched that game the other night , wasn’t supporting either side and didn’t really have an interest.

The only thing I thought and commented after the game was what a superb job Taylor had done dealing with 22 cheating players and coaches screaming with rage over every incident. Genuinely thought he handled it all so well and wasn’t taking any sh*t.

Mourinho and those thick Roma fans are utter c*nts to behave like this.
I didn’t watch Taylor’s display and I obviously think what happened in the airport was a disgrace. However I do find the narrative slightly hypocritical. The performance of English referees has been poor for a long time and I have watched many champions league referees put ours to shame. The usage of English referees internationally seems to be less now as well and when they are used they don’t seem up to it. Does anyone remember Howard Webb in that World Cup Final missing that Nigel de Jong assault?

In this case Mourinho was a disgrace.

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