Jose Mourinho

Disgraceful robbery on Roma that was. They should have already changed that trophy name to Sevilla Cup/league after one of the most scandalous robberies in a european final in 2014 when they confronted Benfica. Even their goalkeeper in that game recently came admitting he cheated on the penalties.
Roma played some of the most abject anti-football ever seen in a European final and could have had two players sent off (but Taylor and VAR chose not to). It rivalled Chelsea’s 9-0-1 tactics in their 11/12 CL win, but even dirtier.

I don’t remember Sevilla getting any actual contentious calls their way, whilst Roma was shown leniency throughout the match.

No idea what you are on about.
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I think you are seeing what you wanted to see. What do you think of the Roma manager?
Some of the behaviour is not good to see but "it's football" for good or for bad, you see it everywhere all the time. It was a historic final for Roma, and losing with direct interference from the referee (we have VAR and how can things like these still happen) is something that's never easy to swallow even more when you know that your players gave it all and deserved that win(what he said on the post match conference).
Taylor ref’d one of the toughest games I’ve ever seen to referee, very well. He got things wrong as referees always do (impossible not to), but his general conduct was spot on and decisions were right more often than not.

I much prefer Prem refs to the European ones. They referee the games better. I’ve been impressed with about three referees in Europe in about fifteen years of City playing in Europe and been exasperated with them about 80% of the time. Too many of them just don’t understand the game.

In general, I don’t really have a problem with Prem refs… VAR I do, but not the refs on the pitch. They make mistakes and there are some questionable things that go on from time-to-time but I think too many fans are too paranoid and it has nowt to do with it being bent.

Mourinho and his Roma team were an utter disgrace the other night.
When watching world cups I see games refereed poorly by non European/South American refs and games refereed quite well by some of the refs from the established footballing nations and then there is the English refs. You don’t have a problem with the prem refs? They just aren’t good enough for me.
Clear handball from Fernando after Matic cross at minute 81, doesn't make sense that the VAR didn't tell Taylor to go see it in the screen.
That’s not Taylor’s fault though. Plus his arms were both straight and he tried to move his arm behind his back so not to touch the ball, not make himself bigger or deliberately hand ball it.
When watching world cups I see games refereed poorly by non European/South American refs and games refereed quite well by some of the refs from the established footballing nations and then there is the English refs. You don’t have a problem with the prem refs? They just aren’t good enough for me.
I don’t really no. That’s not saying that I don’t think Prem refs need to improve and don’t get things wrong and have howlers; they do. But I think English fans moan far too much over inconsequential things with the refs and are ultra-paranoid to delusional and flat-earther/5G Covid hoax conspiracy theory levels.

VAR is very poor in England though.
Some of the behaviour is not good to see but "it's football" for good or for bad, you see it everywhere all the time. It was a historic final for Roma, and losing with direct interference from the referee (we have VAR and how can things like these still happen) is something that's never easy to swallow even more when you know that your players gave it all and deserved that win(what he said on the post match conference).
I think we watched two different games mate. Either way, I’m very glad that two ex rag players and an ex rag manager have gone home losers, but not before they were forced to watch an ex City player hoist the cup.
Some of the behaviour is not good to see but "it's football" for good or for bad, you see it everywhere all the time. It was a historic final for Roma, and losing with direct interference from the referee (we have VAR and how can things like these still happen) is something that's never easy to swallow even more when you know that your players gave it all and deserved that win(what he said on the post match conference).
They shouldn't be diving cheating soft arse bastards.Your disgusting excuse for a manager moulds all his team's in the same horrible way.
I have never really had any problem about the ref,but he impressed me for booking your lot for your usual shite behaviour,i wish more refs would be as brave.

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