Jude Bellingham

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I find the confidence from pool fans funny, if it was such a done deal like they want to make out, why wasnt this info available before world cup, why are the mouth pieces in the press getting the money excuses in early (if it was done why would they need them).

That falk guy needs to tell his bosses at bild how far its done because in their news today were in that article too.

You could argue that out of the 3 teams linked liverpool are the worse he could go to for sporting reasons nevermind money. (aging players, needing a rebuild, no promise of liklihood of winning immediate trophies, lack of coach who values midfielders turns them into work horses).

its going to be silly season with this for a while, and wait till hes in blue the kid aint half going to get some negative shit in the press
"pool fans"?!?
I think that unlike Delaney etc you should maybe consider not condoning or promoting gambling on here Ric
Probably hard to police and would probably damage income but it ruins lives and families. And this is the direction of travel globally
So get in there ahead of the world
Yeah and drink, drugs, smoking and cars whilst we’re at it.

Fuck it, let’s ban everything rather than leave the decisions up to the adults involved. We can’t be condoning or even allowing discussion of legal pastimes.
If we get him be nice for him to say “I was offered a lot more money to go to Liverpool But the pull of a club who win consistently leagues is where I want to be” “the Manager also is a big pull! The best ever”

But we know if he comes the media will set the narrative that it was about money!
And that the Dippers never wanted him anyway.
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