Jude Bellingham

If you don’t think an overhead kick going in was lucky then you’re mad, they come of probably one in a hundred at best.
There's a difference between luck and a calculated attempt. He could have gone with the safe option, try to bring the ball down and pass to the nearest person, he took a calculated risk that paid off, he didn't scuff it, he wasn't looking to cross the ball only for it to find the back of the net, He had a clear purpose on what he was going for, did it and it worked. Give the kid his dues, it wouldn't take an inch out of the 3 inches you already have :)
There's a difference between luck and a calculated attempt. He could have gone with the safe option, try to bring the ball down and pass to the nearest person, he took a calculated risk that paid off, he didn't scuff it, he wasn't looking to cross the ball only for it to find the back of the net, He had a clear purpose on what he was going for, did it and it worked. Give the kid his dues, it wouldn't take an inch out of the 3 inches you already have :)
So luck then.
Calculated attempt. Like when Pep makes a change and that change goes on to score the winner, no luck, just a calculation that paid off.
It’s called luck mate, you kid yourself all you want but an overhead kick going in is just plain old luck.
Now fair play for him attempting it but they rarely go in.
There's a difference between luck and a calculated attempt. He could have gone with the safe option, try to bring the ball down and pass to the nearest person, he took a calculated risk that paid off, he didn't scuff it, he wasn't looking to cross the ball only for it to find the back of the net, He had a clear purpose on what he was going for, did it and it worked. Give the kid his dues, it wouldn't take an inch out of the 3 inches you already have :)
The fact that the overhead kick itself is being questioned is just farcical. If foden does it we're all loving it.
I get that Bellingham has an arrogance about him that people in this country aren't used to but fk me people are way, way too phased by it and there's zero doubt that it's impacting people's assessment of him as a player. Yes I do believe he is overrated by many, but people on here especially are scathing to an equally ridiculous degree. Grown men slinging all shades of shit his way on a forum he'll never even read anyway. It's laughable. I don't care much for him either way tbh I think he's a quality young player with a shit load to learn yet but has a knack of being in the right place when it really matters...its happened enough times now to be more than just coincidence. I can take or leave his attitude as well. I neither hate nor love him as a player, I neither hate nor love him as a personality. The spite that he's subjected to on here though, deary me.
Reminding me of David Platt Italia 90 version this tournament (forget his group stages). He walks the tightrope of arrogance and brilliance at times, was convinced he was going to be sent off at one stage last night. Seems easy to rattle, frustrated when its not going his way but the talent is there and you can't question commitment with a last minute equaliser. Only going to mature and get better for me. Arrogance comes with the talent, just needs to make sure he does not drift into entitled.

Was thinking the same about Platt. He did fuck all that tournament also until his brilliant winner against Belgium. Never a player to dominate games, but one who would pop up and get goals.

Also wondered about Bellingham potentially being a red card waiting to happen in the first game when he put the shoulder in on someone. If it was a different player doing it the commentators would have been slating him for it, but instead it was all a big joke.
Was thinking the same about Platt. He did fuck all that tournament also until his brilliant winner against Belgium. Never a player to dominate games, but one who would pop up and get goals.

Also wondered about Bellingham potentially being a red card waiting to happen in the first game when he put the shoulder in on someone. If it was a different player doing it the commentators would have been slating him for it, but instead it was all a big joke.
I will agree with this the way he carries on sometimes he's as likely to get sent off as he is to produce something to make a difference in a game. Hot headedness and petulance that he will need to channel in future.
I'd originally been wanting Bellingham dropping deeper to allow Phil the 10 role.

I've changed that round now and want Phil deep with Bellingham 10.

Reason being Rice and Bellingham are shite at getting the ball to Phil, but I'm pretty sure Phil could help our control and also get the ball up to Bellingham.

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