Just Stop Oil protests

I had a go at Chomsky on the thread about his (non)-death, basically saying he knew what the problems were but didn't have solutions. This lot are even worse.

Went on their website and there was a lot about stopping the extraction and use of fossil fuels but nothing about what could replace them. If we stopped using fossil fuels tomorrow, the impact would be far more disastrous, and far quicker, than climate change.
stop making sense... they don't like it you know
I had a go at Chomsky on the thread about his (non)-death, basically saying he knew what the problems were but didn't have solutions. This lot are even worse.

Went on their website and there was a lot about stopping the extraction and use of fossil fuels but nothing about what could replace them. If we stopped using fossil fuels tomorrow, the impact would be far more disastrous, and far quicker, than climate change.
Have you pitched your Just stop dickheads idea to Farage?

Nige is already giving it a go, but calling it “Reform”.
6 billions years of this planet, with daily climate fluctuation for every one of those years.
6 billion years of evolution, culminating in mankind being around for a few hundred thousand years.
And these affluent, middle class, wankers are asking me to believe that around 100 years (less in most countries) of working people finally having access to warm, safe, dry housing and safe, cheap, individual modes of transportation has caused a looming extinction catastrophe.

It’s anti-worker bollocks.

When these people come up with a means to address “the climate timebomb” that doesn’t cost working class people disproportionately more than already affluent middle class people, I might listen to them.

The climate lobby is the acceptable face of a centuries old movement. How to keep the poor, poor. How to keep mankind’s wonderful achievements only available to a select few, whilst locking out the poor and working class and forcing them to a life of servitude and penury.

A shop worker and his family having a week in Tenerife once per year and driving a 6 year old car, and living in a home that is warm in winter is seen as something to eradicate by these people.
They want us all living in our own communities, never seeing anything of this wonderful world, and keeping ourselves hidden. Like it was in “the good old days”. Continental holidays, individual means of transportation, and safe, warm and dry housing, is not to be allowed for the plebs. It’s only for those who deserve it. And we will tax it to the hilt to guarantee it.

These people are cunts. You don’t see many working class, ethnic minority plasterers or plumbers on these protests. It’s always middle class, graduates from the Home Counties. I wonder why.
Do people really get as het up as they portray on here about a bit of harmless easily washable substance being thrown onto some stones in the middle of a field?
I get the frustration when they are sat in the middle of a road and potentially causing issues to people trying to go about their everyday lives but this seems to be an overreaction by one or two.
We do have some strange priorities in old Blighty it seems.
A protest that nobody hears about or knows about is hardly a protest, so with all the clamour to be most offended with this latest incident the group will probably think it’s been a success.
Personally I just shrug and move on with my day.
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