Just Stop Oil protests

Oh no not the private jet of a multi millionaire.....

Yeah but err we had a heatwave in the the 70s and I saw one of them drive a Ford Ka. What if an ambulance had to get to hospikal via that airfield?

Surely one of the bluemoon posters could give them a slap or summat. I mean they are vile cunts like.
I had a go at Chomsky on the thread about his (non)-death, basically saying he knew what the problems were but didn't have solutions. This lot are even worse.

Went on their website and there was a lot about stopping the extraction and use of fossil fuels but nothing about what could replace them. If we stopped using fossil fuels tomorrow, the impact would be far more disastrous, and far quicker, than climate change.

If you've got a reasoned argument then you shouldn't need unreasonable actions. But those childish actions are all they have.

Yeah like women voting and slaves. They used only the power of persuasive dialogue. Pmsl.

Even normally sane intelligent people are getting wound up and talking nonsense all because of orange paint.

Anyhow laughs are short on the ground so it's all good.
Surprised the Premier League isnt sponsored by Just Stop Oil. It is their main business strategy at the moment.
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If you've got a reasoned argument then you shouldn't need unreasonable actions. But those childish actions are all they have.
If you see unreasonable actions, then the only way to counter is by unreasonable actions.

The people who escape scrutiny are the exploitative oil companies who use their wealth to lobby for more extraction of the worlds precious resources. Is countering them indeed childish?

Just stop oils tactics are questionable of course, but if they can pressure the big oil companies to move towards greener energy and they can do that because they have the capital to do then why not keep pursuing their agenda until it becomes reality.
I don't have any problem with reducing reliance on fossil fuels. By definition they're finite and they cause environmental issues.

But those cretins want to end any use of fossil fuels in the next 5 years. Do you seriously think that's even feasible, let alone likely?

If you do, then you're as big an idiot as they are.

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