Just Stop Oil protests

It might be giving them attention and if that’s all they want then great. but the public aren’t talking about stopping oil production, we’re talking about a bunch of idiots instead.

Tactics like this aren’t making the public support their cause. If anything I think it’s detracting from the issue.
So people see their stunts and then think..."fuck the planet...these people annoy me, so I'm not going to care"?
JSO KNOW that most people will call them idiots. They know the outrage. They know they will be hated.
Should they perform stunts that people are happy with?
nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, hydro, wind, solar, wave. There's countless energy and material initiatives they could join instead and if they're not clever enough as I suspect they aren't then they can make cup of teas and be PA's for the people that are instead
I'm just having a cup of tea in a café and I'd settle for a milk jug that can pour without dribbling onto the table.
Do people really get as het up as they portray on here about a bit of harmless easily washable substance being thrown onto some stones in the middle of a field?
I get the frustration when they are sat in the middle of a road and potentially causing issues to people trying to go about their everyday lives but this seems to be an overreaction by one or two.
We do have some strange priorities in old Blighty it seems.
A protest that nobody hears about or knows about is hardly a protest, so with all the clamour to be most offended with this latest incident the group will probably think it’s been a success.
Personally I just shrug and move on with my day.

Yeah, they are genuinely angered. My view for what it’s worth is that the anger is aimed more at the people doing these stunts rather than the stunts themselves. JSO like Extinction Rebellion is seen as a very middle class movement planning jolly japes and sipping soy lattes. Entitled people playing at eco-warrior rather than having authentic and strong beliefs. CND and the Suffragette movement had a similar profile/perception.
Do people really get as het up as they portray on here about a bit of harmless easily washable substance being thrown onto some stones in the middle of a field?
I get the frustration when they are sat in the middle of a road and potentially causing issues to people trying to go about their everyday lives but this seems to be an overreaction by one or two.
We do have some strange priorities in old Blighty it seems.
A protest that nobody hears about or knows about is hardly a protest, so with all the clamour to be most offended with this latest incident the group will probably think it’s been a success.
Personally I just shrug and move on with my day.
Weird as you posted far more words and spent a great deal longer on your post than the majority that simply called them cunts and went on with their days.
The ‘security’ was bypassed by two teenage girls with a grinder from B&Q. They even had time for a congratulatory hug at the end. I’ve got better ‘security’ in my back garden.
Airfield fences are there for THEIR safety too btw, weirdly that's also why it's an offence to trespass on an airfield.

Going near things that are potentially dangerous and can/will kill you shouldn't be encouraged.

Whatever next? Protests in a nuclear reactor?
Airfield fences are there for THEIR safety too btw, weirdly that's also why it's an offence to trespass on an airfield.

Going near things that are potentially dangerous and can/will kill you shouldn't be encouraged.

Whatever next? Protests in a nuclear reactor?
Probably not.

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