juve ticket fiasco


Well-Known Member
27 Feb 2009
As usual, those with the most loyalty points have snapped up the paltry allocation of 1400 tickets, whether they intended to go or not, knowing that on bluemoon, there is always a market to pass them on (at face value of course)

However, this 'name on the back of the ticket' malarkey has really f**ked them up, with fellow blues reluctant to take the chance of not getting in.

Loads have obviously now been returned as I've just had a call from City asking if I still wanted a ticket but had to say no as I've already bought one in the Juve end.

Again this highlights the frustrations about the loyalty point system.

I apreciate that these points are hard earned & expensively assembled, but please, please don't get tickets just for the points if you have absolutely no intention whatsoever of actually going.
i cant see many going back to the ticket office and if they do they dont get the points anyway
I'm another one that can't understand your beef. It is not the City and loyalty points that is the problem but selfish City fans. There will always be different views on how best to reward a 'loyal' fan but which ever way you do it some people will find a way around it to make it beneficial to themselves and other 'loyal' Blues will miss out.
My point is that there is a thriving 'black market' for tickets for away games here on bluemoon allows those with the points to purchase tickets regardless of whether they actually intend going or not, knowing there will always be a Blue willing to take it off their hands.

Because of this name of the back thing, the 'black market' is a bit subdued, hence the return of a number of tickets. There will beplenty of blues with tickets that have someone elses name on the back & may, if the stories are true, be refused entry.

I doubt there will be 1,400 Blues at this match.

If, when the tickets were available, those with no intention of going didn't buy one, there might have been enough to go around.
Blue Mist said:
I'm another one that can't understand your beef. It is not the City and loyalty points that is the problem but selfish City fans. There will always be different views on how best to reward a 'loyal' fan but which ever way you do it some people will find a way around it to make it beneficial to themselves and other 'loyal' Blues will miss out.

Well I'm one that has had to buy with someone elses name on, it really is frustrating I don't have enough points to get the initial allocation but I was worried that I may not get one so bit the bullet. If I get refused entry I'll try thevJuve end as it seems there could be more blues in their anyway, wonder if City would exchange the one I have for one with my name on, doubt it very much.
I'm in Juve seats and will be interested to see how many of the 1400 city seats are taken. I had plenty of offers for tickets which is much appreciated, but as soon as the name issue came up I decided not to risk it and bought from Juve to guarantee entrance. The grey market in tickets helps those of us who haven't got the points but also demonstrates a flaw in the current ticketing policy. I can't however think of a better system so I'm not complaining.
i got my ticket in the post few weeks ago without my name on the back. when i phoned up. they said just write my name and supporter number on the back in biro cos all the others are just done in biro. still not done it though. bet its worth millions now!!
I wasn't criticising the loyalty point system generally, but rather the European away ticketing policy.

Thought the Timisoara criteria was a good one, having to prove travel arrangements before points were awarded.
I appreciate this was fairly easy to administer with only 225 of us going, but something along these lines would be an improvement.

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