Juventus (home) tickets/attendance

If that's true , why not just sneak a can like loads of us do to all the champions league games ?

Haha, kinell mate, you lot puzzle me. I agree that's it's a joke that you don't have the option due to UEFA, but can you not go 90 minutes without a bit of ale?

Seems a bit sad sneaking in a solitary can.

Why don't you sneak in a syringe full of absinthe and shoot up at half time?
Thank you!!! For sure a victory for us would be a confidence boost...but we lost Vidal and Pirlo who represented the 90% of our strenght.

By the way me and my friends are supposed to be in the block 113...I heard the 114 is half and half, is supposed to be safe mixing citizens and bianconeri???
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Haha, kinell mate, you lot puzzle me. I agree that's it's a joke that you don't have the option due to UEFA, but can you not go 90 minutes without a bit of ale?

Seems a bit sad sneaking in a solitary can.

Why don't you sneak in a syringe full of absinthe and shoot up at half time?

I could mate but I don't want to , and no thanks don't like absinthe or injecting , but thanks 4 the concern

Enjoy the game
Pretty shocking if we don't get a near 50,000 crowd for this given the prices. Come on Blues. It's decent prices against an iconic European club. Those that need ale have plenty of time to hit in the pubs in town. Let's rock the Etihad.
Pretty shocking if we don't get a near 50,000 crowd for this given the prices. Come on Blues. It's decent prices against an iconic European club. Those that need ale have plenty of time to hit in the pubs in town. Let's rock the Etihad.

Don't think it's as simple as that to be honest.

We've had yearly increases to season tickets at an average of circa 10% for about 8 years. We've lost season ticket holders due to that, seems a few have come back this year to snap up the cheap tickets in the new SS lvl 3, but for the most of us we're paying much more than we used to.

A lot of blues have had to cut out cup ties to compensate, many people have made the CL that sacrifice due to the greater cost than the domestic cups and the whole turn off with UEFA. Some have cut out cup ties altogether.

In the context of all that, £30-£35 was never going to see us sell out with us newly expanded as well. Not to mention you have the shocking prices at £80 and £90 in the new corporate lite areas of lvl 2, and that'll take a chunk off the gate also.

For City to sell out these fixtures they have to introduce cheaper tickets. £30-£35 is only great value if you've been brow beaten into thinking £50 is the norm (which it is for our league fixtures, which is a disgrace).

Cup fixtures like this have to be cheaper though. £20 would ensure a sell out, and the place would be rocking. There'd be a greater proportion of actual blues in as well, rather than the usual football tourists we see at these types of games.

Sure the club would lose a few quid, but it's a drop in the ocean at the end of the day. Think of all the positive publicity we'd get as well, we'd be doing it the right way, setting the example for the other big clubs to follow. Instead, we've all too readily followed their's. And we don't have the enormous pool of longstanding plastics to pick up the pieces when the core support are struggling like the other big clubs do. When our core support are stretched, our attendances suffer, as does our atmosphere.

Just have a think back to that night we played Hamburg in the UEFA Cup, that was fucking magic. Many people were naive in thinking that pricing would become the norm, but that showed just what can be done when the pricing is inclusive. The place was absolutely rocking. Best atmosphere we've ever had at CoMS/The Etihad IMO.

Nowadays we have blues celebrating £35 tickets as if the club are giving the tickets away in an act of charity. Shows quite where we're at with ticket prices as far as I'm concerned.

We need to have a reflection on the pricing structure for these games, because it's not getting the most out of numbers at the gate or the atmosphere on a match day - which in turn just turns more people off, especially those without a pot to piss in struggling to justify the regular expense.
Nowadays we have blues celebrating £35 tickets as if the club are giving the tickets away in an act of charity. Shows quite where we're at with ticket prices as far as I'm concerned.

That's pretty much what an adult would pay to watch Bournemouth's next home match; £32-45, not including executive.
That's pretty much what an adult would pay to watch Bournemouth's next home match; £32-45, not including executive.

Your point being?

It's become the norm for Premier League clubs to take the piss out of their supporters of course, City aren't the only offenders. Other clubs taking the piss shouldn't be allowed to serve as an excuse.

Besides, we're talking cup fixtures here. And the context of our season ticket prices and the rises are key when considering the knock on effect of attendances in cup fixtures.

We're a working class fanbase lest we forget. I still recall that our fanbase averaged the lowest average income of any PL clubs' fanbase besides Burnley back in 2009.

Important to take that into account when we're talking about ticket prices. As I said, we don't have the large pool of day trippers and plastics that the other big clubs have to pick up the pieces when the core support is struggling. We do have a growing pool of day trippers, and they're the ones who don't mind paying through the nose for a one off game, but the greater proportion they make of the match day crowd the more the atmosphere suffers. This has been a growing problem for us, but has been lessened somewhat by the extension in the SS and the cheap season tickets up there.

Make no mistake though, it's fairly obvious we have an issue with the CL fixtures in particular, do you have any proposals? Because I think it could all be solved with a change in the pricing policy for these fixtures. It's a no brainer to me.

Freezing season ticket prices next spring would be a great help too, for a few years would be even better, but I won't be holding my breath on those two.
Not been in the CL cup scheme for a few years now, just detest the atmosphere the tourists usually bring with them.
But like Wooney the old lady attracted me so I've decided to get a ticket in SS Lvl 3 - hopefully the atmosphere will be better.

Within minutes of tickets going on sale my ST seat in 111 was snapped up, so there's definitely a demand there re; ticket pricing.

Bring the noise!

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