Kaka City Performance Clause

If it's 2009-10 that's just plain stupid.#

If he's taliking 2010-11 I can see a case...however, Kaka himself is implicated in that performance so it looks a bit like wanting tio have your cake and eat it .

Listen kaka ... come if you want to . If you don't then F off. I for one am growing heartily sick of the whole thing and we need to think about building a solid squad before ass licking these cherry on the cake types.

Sorry , but I have had enough. This is a complete red herring.
No problem with such a clause in principal, although I would want it to be after he has had 2 full seasons with us...so therefore after 30.05.2011.

If things go to plan then that shouldn't be a problem, and by then he may love the club too much to leave anyway! Also, after 2 1/2 years his value would have fallen due to shorter contract (Unless lots of other teams come into ALOT of money) so that level of fee would represent an acceptable loss to ADUG if the clause was met....

I think its all hypothetical really though, if he does sign (fingers crossed, and touching wood) then the potential domino affect that this will cause should mean that we should be up in the top four sooner rather than later. After all, Wenger seems to be losing the plot with Arsenal and Villa will not sustain top four form into next season...they are running on confidence.

DontLookBackInAnger said:
It also works both ways if he has one placed in the ownership are then going to have to make a commitment to the team to put them in with a shot of success.

Well said , mate. We need to be showing a little more self-respect.
A few salient points (IMO).
NOBODY knows the finer details of this transfer, except for those directly involved in it.
Price and clauses are pure speculation.
The ONLY thing we know for a fact is that we are deffo trying to sign him.

....And Harry Rednapp looks like Humphrey Cushion from a kids TV show from the seventies...FACT
-dabz- said:
A few salient points (IMO).
NOBODY knows the finer details of this transfer, except for those directly involved in it.
Price and clauses are pure speculation.
The ONLY thing we know for a fact is that we are deffo trying to sign him.

....And Harry Rednapp looks like Humphrey Cushion from a kids TV show from the seventies...FACT

Oh my god HUMPREY Flipping CUSHION for years i have wonder who tf it is old twitcher reminds me of ? shit... thats it Humphrey cushion eh heheh.
bumbleblue said:
-dabz- said:
A few salient points (IMO).
NOBODY knows the finer details of this transfer, except for those directly involved in it.
Price and clauses are pure speculation.
The ONLY thing we know for a fact is that we are deffo trying to sign him.

....And Harry Rednapp looks like Humphrey Cushion from a kids TV show from the seventies...FACT

Oh my god HUMPREY Flipping CUSHION for years i have wonder who tf it is old twitcher reminds me of ? shit... thats it Humphrey cushion eh heheh.
Ive just checked it out--Hickory House! :O) <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu7w0BeZ7IY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu7w0BeZ7IY</a>
dom said:
If it's 2009-10 that's just plain stupid.#

If he's taliking 2010-11 I can see a case...however, Kaka himself is implicated in that performance so it looks a bit like wanting tio have your cake and eat it .

Listen kaka ... come if you want to . If you don't then F off. I for one am growing heartily sick of the whole thing and we need to think about building a solid squad before ass licking these cherry on the cake types.

Sorry , but I have had enough. This is a complete red herring.


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