Kaka [Merged]

Re: Kaka - A theory.

Perrhaps we are staying out of this one to aid negotiations over other players, maybe with clubs who are bidding.
if we dont get involved they would pay less and be very grateful and smooth other deals through?
Re: Kaka - A theory.

maybe Elano knows something thats why hes said he wants to go , now knowing he wont get much football .. He was happy to stay 2 weeks ago .
Re: Kaka - A theory.

Berlusconi has an election coming up. He is playing mind games, I doubt that CFC have made a bid, and Berlusconi is the hero again staving off the world.
Re: Kaka - A theory.

We don't need Kaka, we've got Craig Bellamy.

no, but in all seriousness, I think some people need to to realise, the Kaka's of this world won't come to City any time soon, when clubs like Chelsea and Real Madrid are offering contracts. End of story in my opinion.
Re: Kaka - A theory.

Had a theory before actually and it just came to me....like that.

Anyway Real bid whatever they have bid, Milan deny it, fuck around for a bit then admit it's true and they are thinking about it. Let the Ultra Fanny's cool off while Milans guys are in Espana, and then lessen the blow by announcing that Kaka is going - but to Man City for £30m more than Real offfered.

Obviously pure fantasy, not sure wether i'd laugh or cry.
Re: Kaka - A theory.

i8therags said:
another theory--we may enquire,but not offer,give the impression we are interested knowing he prob won;t want to come.If nothing else it stops the movement of a world class player too soon in the window thus stopping the movement of a shed load of money.This makes our cash all the more attractive to clubs who would have benefited from the kaka deal via the knock on effect..

Was thinking something similar earlier and not just in relation to Kaka. We dont want to be throwing money out there to clubs (more highly esteemed) who may then be competing with us for other players. Sure the big boss has thought this through though
Re: Kaka - A theory.

Maybe there's nobody really in to buy Kaka other than Perez of Real.
Chelsea denied making an offer, and I thought I read they cleared 50million for the summer transfers; to then bid 65m for Kaka? They have nothing to do with the whole thing I think.
Perez wants to bring Kaka to Real, and he has a lot of money to spend, but he has a limit. He could pay Milan 65m for Kaka, but not that much more. If Milan want to hold on to Kaka, which they do (they don't need that much money as desperately as everyone seems to think, certainly not now at the cost of their best player; and Galliani expressed concerns about Italy becoming a small league if they would sell their stars to foreign bidders), they will just launch all these rumours in Italian and Spanish media so the potential cost of Kaka would prove impossible to handle for Real. Berlusconi and his mates aren't too shy to play the media.
Also Kaka, just days ago, gave his explicit word to all Milan fans that he won't be leaving (and to lie is a sin, especially for Mr I-belong-to-Jesus).
I'm fairly sure Kaka will not leave Milan in the summer under any circumstances.
Re: Kaka - A theory.

If city played in adidas i would lump on but alas they don't. makes it very difficult for him to go anywhere where the kit makers aren't adidas

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