
Okay, here's my take on what I think happened:

Kaka never really wanted to leave AC Milan for anyone but with the kind of money we were offering for him, Berlusconi told him that they couldn't afford not to sell him to us. Kaka accepted this and became open to the idea of joining us - if he wasn't then there's no way on earth it would've got to the stage where we sent people over there to negotiate personal terms.

In the meantime, Milan had stupidly let the cat out of the bag regarding the possible transfer. This in turn led to mass protests by Milan's Ultras outside Kaka's apartment. Seeing these protests, Berlusconi realised there'd be a furious reaction from the club's fans if the deal went through and decided the best thing to do would be to shelve any plan to sell him for the time being, providing Kaka was in agreement. Witnessing the protests first-hand from his apartment window, Kaka had no hesitation in agreeing with Berlusconi and that's when the whole thing fell through.

So you could argue that both Kaka and Milan bottled it. Personally, I don't like to think of either club or player bottling it - more that fan power initiated a climbdown. It's no coincidence that when Kaka was sold to Real Madrid a few months later that the impending transfer wasn't announced until Kaka was thousands of miles away on Brazil duty, (he even had his Madrid medical in Recife) so there was no chance whatsoever of the Ultras being able to do anything about it, unlike the previous occasion when they camped outside his apartment.
I honestly think that he wouldn't stand out in the Premier League.

Wouldn't like to see us pay over £20m for him.
M18ctid has it about right, only thing id say in disagreement though is that the protests wouldn't have happened for the Madrid transfer as its more acceptable for him to go to Madrid, a club which is bigger than Milan therefore seen as progression for kaka.the protests were like a who the fuck are they kind of thing. Imagine our money ends and we are skint, darlington come in for tevez and we kick off about it. Same thing because to those European super clubs we are the equivalent of darlington in their fans eyes. Later on Madrid come in for him, its then. A case of 'fair play then, can't say no to that really'.
pardoe said:
I honestly think that he wouldn't stand out in the Premier League.

Wouldn't like to see us pay over £20m for him.

PMSL. he's not having a great season but get real mate. he's one of the world's best
I know there are people convinced that some negotiations had taken place at a high enough level to warrant a flight out etc but the fact still remains that no personal terms were ever discussed and no transfer fee was agreed.

Its not as if, just as the pen was picked up to sign the contract things went pear shaped is it?

There was perhaps weeks of negotiations still to happen.

Fortunately City have learnt a lot since that 'deal' and the deals are now likely to happen more quickly and if the rumours are to be taken seriously there are already 2 players tied to deals in the summer.

It also explains why so much was spent so quickly in the sumer just gone as it helps convince the next targets that it is all happening at City.

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