Kalvin Phillips

This is what happens when social media bombard fans 24/7 with bullshit. Player laughs in pic so he is not taking the piss out of the club!

Kalvin must know the noise that is surrounding him. Every time he gets asked why is he not playing, must knock the confidence. It’s pep job and the coaches to get his spirits back up again.

According to some posters on here, it's not Pep's job to raise players' spirits when they're struggling. Apparently, they should just pull themselves together or ship out if they're not 'the right stuff' for City.

I thought I was a bit crackers until I read some of the sycophantic nonsense spouted on here.
Not slagging him at all, and I take great exception to that accusation.

I want the kid to move on to make the most of what's left of his career, which should be in its prime. He's an international, the Euros are coming up. He needs to play, not get splinters on his arse.

It would've been great for him to have made it here, but for whatever reason it's not happening for him.

You're either emotional, deluded, or both.
Rather be all of those things and not a twat towards a city player who has had a crap year and deserves a chance.
You know what...I've done a 180 degrees on the lad.

After reading certain players such as Cancelo & Palmer not wanting to be part of the club, I think its bloody refreshing for Philips to want & fight for his spot as well as our recent signings Nunes & Doku who all talked about wanting to play for the best club in the land. Seems like he's had ample opportunities to join other clubs but wants to prove a point.

He looked like he's worked on his fitness over the summer & far much leaner so go on lad its now your yr to break the mould over what quite frankly has been a disappointing tenure so far. Pep can be bloody ruthless at times & maybe he needs a bit of luck in getting a spot & playing out of his skin at the right time. As others have mentioned thought he outplayed Rice in the Euros a while back but I think the most important aspect he will need to work on is his in game ball awareness in & out of possession. He needs to be switched on all the time for the entire duration of the match with his head on a swivel - if he can crack this consistently, he may have a future at our great club.
Personally I would very much like it if he was picked and played well and became a valuable squad member.
It's just with the amount of time he has had I'm a bit sceptical.
Not slagging him at all, and I take great exception to that accusation.

I want the kid to move on to make the most of what's left of his career, which should be in its prime. He's an international, the Euros are coming up. He needs to play, not get splinters on his arse.

It would've been great for him to have made it here, but for whatever reason it's not happening for him.

You're either emotional, deluded, or both.

I think the issue here is the level of personal abuse KP is getting from some quarters.

I personally don't think he was ever good enough as a player for City, or elite level generally. However, he didn't sign himself. That was down to the transfer team.

From what I know, he's a decent lad who's very popular with teammates and staff. At the end of the day, I wouldn't blame him one bit if he decided to see his contract out.
Bleeding Happy Clappers, you've gone too far this time! ;)

It's everyone's job to raise their own spirits. It's everyone's job to manage and raise their own standards. And it's everyone's job to refute any suspicion that they are coasting or flattering to decieve.

It's our own job. Everyone should know, actions speak louder than words. Actions are much less likely to be an attempt at flattery. He has a job. He has a status within the club. He has to fight for it. Like all the others.
I think the issue here is the level of personal abuse KP is getting from some quarters.

I personally don't think he was ever good enough as a player for City, or elite level generally. However, he didn't sign himself. That was down to the transfer team.

From what I know, he's a decent lad who's very popular with teammates and staff. At the end of the day, I wouldn't blame him one bit if he decided to see his contract out.
You’d like to think that people would get behind him, he is after all a Blue

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