Kalvin Phillips

But Carson has ?

Nothing against Carson but your logic is skewed, and Phillips is any easy target for so many on here.
I'm not on about Carson, he's just a lucky dressing room mascot. Easy target or not Phillips has been given several opportunities to impress and all he's done is casually saunter around with his silly bob bouncing around on his daft head. He hasn't shown any hunger passion guts or desire. Get rid whilst we can still get good money i say.
He played no part in getting those medals. And he knows it. I doubt he will be bragging about his medals anytime soon....

His bank account however....

I'm not on about Carson, he's just a lucky dressing room mascot. Easy target or not Phillips has been given several opportunities to impress and all he's done is casually saunter around with his silly bob bouncing around on his daft head. He hasn't shown any hunger passion guts or desire. Get rid whilst we can still get good money i say.
Maybe all these, post take over fans should be fecked off as well. After all, they didn't suffer like hard-core fans of the 80s 90s and beginning of the 21st century.

Some of the comments about him not deserving a medal are plain ridiculous. Phil Foden got a medal in 2017/18 and played less than 10 games. Didn't hear any comments about that at the time. But then he's one of our own, and Kalvin isn't

Some of you wouldn't have survived the 80s and 90s
Some of the comments about him not deserving a medal are plain ridiculous. Phil Foden got a medal in 2017/18 and played less than 10 games. Didn't hear any comments about that at the time. But then he's one of our own, and Kalvin isn't

Nobody is saying that Phillips didn't meet the criteria for receiving a medal. Just like Scott Carson or Sergio Gomez met the criteria. And if that's your standard for "deserving it", then that's fine. But let's not pretend like Phillips played a single meaningful minute for us last season.
I can't believe that there are people calling out Pep, our greatest ever manager, about this issue. We haven't seen much of Phillips, but what we have seen has been significantly below the standard required. Pep has seen all of what we have and more to be able to make a sound judgement. We are not a junior team where all of the lads pay subs so should get a crack at some point. This isn't a fucking tea party, it's elite level sport where the pressure is so intense that every misstep is highlighted. Pep momentarily scratches his bollocks and it's an Internet meme before you know it. It's serious stuff to those in the industry and plenty outside of it.

If Pep is purposely not giving minutes to Phillips because he wants Phillips to take a hint then it's good enough for me. Every club, including our own, makes bad signings from time to time. One thing I absolutely trust Pep on though is his ability to watch players like a hawk in training.

We should not be dropping Rodri today just so we can be nice to Phillips. We should be ruthless in exploiting Arsenal's mistakes yesterday. A win puts us clear at the top by two points already. Let's have every other team feeling like they're staring down the barrel once more. Winning four PLs in a row might just be the greatest of all of our achievements in the past 12 years. If Pep doesn't want Phillips to be a part of it then that's fine by me. He's surely earned that right.
I'm not on about Carson, he's just a lucky dressing room mascot. Easy target or not Phillips has been given several opportunities to impress and all he's done is casually saunter around with his silly bob bouncing around on his daft head. He hasn't shown any hunger passion guts or desire. Get rid whilst we can still get good money i say.
Why can’t we see Phillips as a lucky dressing room mascot?

We've never won the Champions League without him.

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