Kamala Harris

It’s hilarious to see so many arch conservatives coming out for the Democratic candidate for President!

You can really, objectively, tell just how bad Drumpf would be when you see how many former employees and Republicans are coming out of the woodwork to say “Please, don’t do this to America and the World!”

As the candidate, Harris should be proud of the number of Republicans who have openly spoken out in favor of her…even the ones despised by many of her supporters. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
A problem arises with that cliche if you have no friends and only enemies.
It’s hilarious to see so many arch conservatives coming out for the Democratic candidate for President!

You can really, objectively, tell just how bad Drumpf would be when you see how many former employees and Republicans are coming out of the woodwork to say “Please, don’t do this to America and the World!”

As the candidate, Harris should be proud of the number of Republicans who have openly spoken out in favor of her…even the ones despised by many of her supporters. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Without saying it here in your post, are you one of the extremely delusional posters screaming how Trump would be an "existential threat to..." democracy/ life/ the universe/ whatever/ take your pick?? If you, like your Foggy Friend et al, believe this tell us what happened in the first tenure he had. I'm still here, like you, posting.

I ask as, by some weird hocus pocus cast by the neolibs/ cons via MSM talking points, we are on the actual brink of WW, which is an ACTUAL existential threat to life/ the world and you and many others believe you're the 'good guys' in this complicity.

Ironically, as your thick Foggy Brained friend likes to put it you...





81 million Americans voted to put her a heartbeat away from the presidency in 2020.

Here we are and here she is!

Those same 81M rejected Trump AFTER seeing him do the job for 4 years!

Which part are you struggling with? Are you mad NO-ONE voted for JD Vance to be 1 heartbeat away???

The level of manufactured angst over Harris is what makes right so pathetic. Why not challenge her views, or give us some comparative analysis, so we can see where she falls down when compared to Trump? Because the right hs incapable of winning that discussion.
So much talk and not an answer in sight. You are too smart to be pretending not to understand the relevance of the question in context.

Here is a hint: It's not about Kamala. It is about the implied claim that this is about "saving democracy." Hence the question how come the party who loves Democracy so much couldn't do so by example?

Anyway, the answer to the question who voted for Kamala to represent the pro- democracy faction of America? Well, absolutely nobody! Not a single vote.

There is an irony here. A palace coup has occurred. And those who have committed the crime are lecturing us on saving democracy.

There is some level of mass self delusion here for sure

Hell, Trump was President for four years! Why is he not running on the FACTS of that term of office, which ended up with his ouster and his desire to see the election overturned by using a mob to attack the Capitol after Mike Pence refused his autocratic President’s desires and followed the U.S. Constitution…as he vowed to do?
Irrelevant to the question posed.

Think about that…his own Vice President was threatened to break the Constitution…or else…and was dropped for a Mini-Me chameleon mouthpiece this time around! And, while being a famously (actual) Christian Conservative, has said he simply cannot vote for Trump…as have the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO WORKED FOR HIM IN LEADING ROLES IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

Lest you dismiss them as feckless, Trump himself said he only surrounds himself with “the best people,” yet then went on to call them every name under the sun and even fire them, when he realized they loved their country more than kissing his ring!

It’s one thing to have an opinion, man, but the ridiculous things being said in support of Trump are just that…completely open for ridicule!
What was said about Trump? What are you ranting about?

He is a charlatan, a con man, a buffoon, a know nothing who was saved from the ignominy of the NYC business trash heap by a Reality TV producer! His offices in Trump Tower we’re so shit, they decided to take some of the empty space in the building to actually build a decent space for a “boardroom” for the show…and Trump charged them $100,000s for it, even though the carpet was worn and musty and the fixtures and fittings were chipped, worn and a sad indictment of what he was actually worth

Trump USA figment of the imagination of a lazy, uneducated mind. Even his most favored policies (the promotion of ultra-conservative judges and a tax policy that favors corporations, billionaires, and people who use commercial real estate tax breaks) are ALL IDEAS HE WAS GIVEN as a quid quo pro for support from those people.

The SCOTUS Justices were all given to him in a list of about a dozen who were deemed acceptable by The Heritage Foundation…the same people who authored the Project 2025 road map FOR HIM, and for which JD Vance provided input!

But, Trump doesn’t know anything about it and, even though he espouses some of it openly, it’s got nothing to do with him, because it’s Dictator’s Handbook and he doesn’t want you to know it’s his marching orders!!
Ah! You don't like Trump. Well get a number and get in line. But again, of what relevance is this to the question?

How about the “very fine” Nazis in Charlottesville that ended up killing a woman?

How about “Zelenskyy and Putin need to make a deal!” when we know that deal is “Vlodymir, give Putin Eastern Ukraine and quit embarrassing him!”

And on and on and on…

I’d respect you far more if you just espoused conservative principles and stated what those principles were, but to Denigrate Harris in an attempt to elevate Trump is both a fool’s errand and testament to the objective inability to positively analyze a potential Trump presidency and his objective lack of fitness for office.
Finally, I see your error now. You thought asking "who voted for the pro-democratic Harris?" was an attempt to denigrate her?

Your Mistakes. Your didn't read the question in context. It wasn't about Harris at all. Rather it was about the 'saving democracy" claims.

Sounds like Democrats will do anything to save Democracy. Including Killing it. That was the point. Kamala is just a cog in the larger machine.

For the record, I don't denigrate candidates. I don't call them names or insult them. I leave such high shows of character to those of you on the right side of history :)

Oh and as a sidenote: Your respect is not requested or required.
You can do better, because I think you know better. However, you are further alienating BM, and ruining what might be left of any semblance of being a respected, or even respectable, voice of reason on here.
See last sentence above.
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This should be good.
Oh we gonna party alright :)

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