Kamala Harris

What happened in Trump’s first tenure?
For the first time in the history of the US, the outgoing president tried to prevent the peaceful handover of power.
1. With a riot.
2. With a full blown attempt to forge the states’ certificates.
You think he will just shrug his shoulders when he loses this time?
What did Pelosi say? Why did Kamala say defund the police? Why did antifa go on the rampage?

So many questions, so little answers.
Okay, please quote me the FULL context of his demanding a "riot" on 'J6'. Not in isolation like when MSM takes his "bloodbath" statement and uses the phrase far from where he used the term.

As for "forging certificates", can you show me where Trump asked for this to be done? Thanks.

Now, bearing in mind, I do not like either of the extremely poor candidates on show, what I won't allow is one side of the battle pretending it is 'above the fray' in the political system. In fact, I daresay the Dems are showing good signs of what it does in other countries for political suppression of opponents.
The context of the riot is well known:
1. “We shall patriotically walk down….etc.”
2. No action to stop it while he sat eating burgers and watching tv. Plenty of testimony from those who were there. When it comes to trial, he is looking at up to 10 years imprisonment.
As for the certificates, his RICO trial will show the extent of his participation. Read the superseding indictment.
But you knew all that, you just can’t admit he has a case to answer (see the grand jury) which makes you a useless contrarian.
That’s not even the problem this time! This time he ISN’T the Oresudent, he’s just a domestic terrorist!

No, the real threat is what he’ll do if elected, KNOWING he’s the President and much of his power is traditional, not Constitutionally spelled out. He already believed Article I gave him carte blanche and now his handpicked Heritage Foundation (read Project 2025!) SCOTUS Justices have given him immunity from prosecution that he will test the limits of! That alone is enough to want a Democratic House, Senate & WhiteHouse to overturn with legislation!
Kamala has talked about removing the filibuster to correct the Row scotus verdict.

I think she needs to go further and also correct presidential immunity.

And then go further and set up a scotus ethics review panel and discipline all the judges who were complicit in gifting Trump immunity that wasn't warranted. Setup term limits and remove the political appointment of judges.
The context of the riot is well known:
1. “We shall patriotically walk down….etc.”
2. No action to stop it while he sat eating burgers and watching tv. Plenty of testimony from those who were there. When it comes to trial, he is looking at up to 10 years imprisonment.
As for the certificates, his RICO trial will show the extent of his participation. Read the superseding indictment.
But you knew all that, you just can’t admit he has a case to answer (see the grand jury) which makes you a useless contrarian.
I’ve just realised, @Bigga does not understand what RICO means. If any person in the ring is convicted, ALL DEFENDANTS IN THE RING ARE GUILTY. So whether Trump asked it to be done is completely irrelevant. The prosecution do not need to show his personal involvement. Read the statute, dummy.
I'm not sure why some people feel the need to denigrate Harris or why some others almost need to elevate her to the sainthood. She's ok and I find myself warming to her as I see more of her, but she is a bit of a media construct or certainly her potential presidential persona is. For any of you under the impression that the next president may start or prevent ww3, your immediate concern should perhaps be that the current president is in that position for another few months at an incredibly volatile time. A president that probably gets lost on his way to the toilet.
I want you to hold that thought in your head for one second, OK…

And use it here ^^^^

More FUD!

And, if I was actually concerned about WWIII, Trump is the LAST Chamberlain I’d want at the Resolute Desk!

He’d sell his Grandmother down the river for a buck!

Where have I expressed my view of WWIII?

It’s a nonsensical (and frankly, sexist) RWNJ talking point, because they THINK Trump is tough. He’s not, he’s a schoolyard bully who has always got away with it through blagging backed up by money.

On the world stage, when faced with ACTUAL SMART PEOPLE WITH REAL TOUGHNESS THEY CAN BACK UP, he’s a fawning sycophant looking for love and attention! “Please, guys, pick me! Pick me!”

The "interesting" line was sarcasm. Which you, obviously, don't understand.

I should spell things out in crayon, I think. Nice big letters for you.

You, CLEARLY, are ignoring the Dem Party ramping up actions in other countries, taking us to the brink of war. It's got FA to do with Trump as he's not in power and hasn't been for 4 years... and yet...

It's all his fault.

Not the current leadership who is stationing troops and weapons everywhere.

That's the 'disappearing trick' you conduct; the big issue right in front of your face!! It's pure ignorance at what is happening TODAY, not 4 years ago and not the fear mongering next year if Trump is in power.

You people are hell bent on war.
The "interesting" line was sarcasm. Which you, obviously, don't understand.

I should spell things out in crayon, I think. Nice big letters for you.

You, CLEARLY, are ignoring the Dem Party ramping up actions in other countries, taking us to the brink of war. It's got FA to do with Trump as he's not in power and hasn't been for 4 years... and yet...

It's all his fault.

Not the current leadership who is stationing troops and weapons everywhere.

That's the 'disappearing trick' you conduct; the big issue right in front of your face!! It's pure ignorance at what is happening TODAY, not 4 years ago and not the fear mongering next year if Trump is in power.

You people are hell bent on war.
I did find the dick Cheney endorsement of Kamala a cause for concern. I don't think Kamala supporters are 'hell bent on war', I just don't think they realise what they are potentially voting for. Not sure trump is much better, he may calm things in Europe but his unquestioning support for all things Israel is not good. Sadly it feels to me like the choice the American people have is not between war and peace, but just where they would like the war to start.
The context of the riot is well known:
1. “We shall patriotically walk down….etc.”
2. No action to stop it while he sat eating burgers and watching tv. Plenty of testimony from those who were there. When it comes to trial, he is looking at up to 10 years imprisonment.
As for the certificates, his RICO trial will show the extent of his participation. Read the superseding indictment.
But you knew all that, you just can’t admit he has a case to answer (see the grand jury) which makes you a useless contrarian.

That's not a quote in context.

Okay, so when he's in court and convicted you'll be correct. Seems like they'd have him bang to rights, wouldn't they?

Don't see him doing any jail time, right now.

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