Kamala Harris

Are you sure that is right?
I mean, if I was charged too, and Trump was convicted, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t involved.
Isn’t that the point of a trial with co-defendents - some might be guilty and some not?
No. It is the point of the Rico statute which was aimed at organised crime. Prosecutors were unable to say who exactly did what (partly due to Omertà.) so the legislation basically said “If you take part in an organised criminal enterprise, ALL indicted participants are equally guilty, if the jury finds (a) the actus reus took place and (b) one member of the enterprise is guilty—ie it was you lot!”
Whether they can make a Rico case stick in this case is not 100% clear, but half those indicted have pleaded guilty and co-operated with the prosecution. Their evidence may well convict Trump. Rico is a fearsome tool.
Google “Georgia Rico” and you will see that in almost the first para, it says that only one conviction is required. I had forgotten but it requires two actus reus to be proved, but that makes no difference in this case as multiple crimes are alleged.
Think of Rico as a wheel. The actus reus is at the hub and all in indictees are on the rim. The prosecution proves the hub and then moves on to the rim. Liability attaches to the rim; once one indictee is found guilty all those on the rim are equally guilty.
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Trump is rarely right whereas I usually, and in this case, am.
He’s not right when he uses someone’s physical appearance to belittle them and although if you were to do it to me, I feel I know you enough to take it as banter and wouldn’t take offence, I’d just give as good as I get.

But there does seem to be genuine needle between yourself and a couple of our fellow trolls, sorry I meant blues, in here.

Blues. I meant blues.

Point being Foggy. Take a deep breath, think of Electric Lovers, think of your family or whatever puts your mind at peace and come at it again from a different angle.

Then again, why listen to a 5’ 2” gobshite like me.
He’s not right when he uses someone’s physical appearance to belittle them and although if you were to do it to me, I feel I know you enough to take it as banter and wouldn’t take offence, I’d just give as good as I get.

But there does seem to be genuine needle between yourself and a couple of our fellow trolls, sorry I meant blues, in here.

Blues. I meant blues.

Point being Foggy. Take a deep breath, think of Electric Lovers, think of your family or whatever puts your mind at peace and come at it again from a different angle.

Then again, why listen to a 5’ 2” gobshite like me.
You are right. And I apologiz(s)e.

You have demonstrated thoughtfulness, curiosity, intellectual honesty and humility and humo(u)r, and added value. You are the last person I’d think of when it comes to playing internet tough boy, regardless of your height.

On the other hand, the fucking little boy parakeets who like to stir things up here and play-act at human conversations are more likely 8 inches tall, or whatever the height of the average budgie is.

And I’m enjoying our new record, btw. More than the last one, that’s for sure.
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Um — mate — you have demonstrated thoughtfulness, curiosity, intellectual honesty and humility and humo(u)r, and added value. You are the last person I’d think of when it comes to playing internet tough boy, regardless of your height.

On the other hand, the fucking little boy parakeets who like to stir things up here and play-act at human conversations are more likely 8 inches tall, or whatever the height of the average budgie is.
I’m yanking your chain.
I’m 5’9” (still not great), but you get the jist of what I’m saying.
Deep breaths.
I’ve just realised, @Bigga does not understand what RICO means. If any person in the ring is convicted, ALL DEFENDANTS IN THE RING ARE GUILTY. So whether Trump asked it to be done is completely irrelevant. The prosecution do not need to show his personal involvement. Read the statute, dummy.

I think you're flattering him.. he doesn't understand anything except:

Kamala has talked about removing the filibuster to correct the Row scotus verdict.

I think she needs to go further and also correct presidential immunity.

And then go further and set up a scotus ethics review panel and discipline all the judges who were complicit in gifting Trump immunity that wasn't warranted. Setup term limits and remove the political appointment of judges.
That’d set the cat amongst the pigeons, but I’m not saying it isn’t warranted!!

P.S. it’s Roe.
The "interesting" line was sarcasm. Which you, obviously, don't understand.

I should spell things out in crayon, I think. Nice big letters for you.

You, CLEARLY, are ignoring the Dem Party ramping up actions in other countries, taking us to the brink of war. It's got FA to do with Trump as he's not in power and hasn't been for 4 years... and yet...

It's all his fault.

Not the current leadership who is stationing troops and weapons everywhere.

That's the 'disappearing trick' you conduct; the big issue right in front of your face!! It's pure ignorance at what is happening TODAY, not 4 years ago and not the fear mongering next year if Trump is in power.

You people are hell bent on war.
I can see we are done here. Not interested in your petty bullshit and other nonsense anymore.

Always love a good “you people,” though!
Nice work!!!
If you think that's more important than pandering to victim demographics to keep people believing they ARE victims then I pity you.
Thanks. Now that I see your grudge, I also see the time I’m wasting. Are there any other tangents you’d like to toss out with your pity for me? HAHAHA!

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