Kamala Harris

They will moan on the internet. They will make threats. They will watch Fox and OAN and whatever the hell else in droves. They will come up with the equivalent of “Let’s Go Brandon” for Harris. The grifters who fleece them the same as evangelicals will keep on fleecing them. A few of the more whacked MAGAs will try something in the Timothy McVeigh or Jan 6 vein. But very few, and this time everyone will be ready.

No one is painting Don Trump Jr. dressed in Jesus’ clothes at The Last Supper like they do his daddy. And the GOP party establishment will need to try to wrest power back.

But of course this all presumes Donald doesn’t run in 2028. Which of course he will, and will announce as soon as it’s clear he has no more challenges to the 24 results to bring, assuming he loses (still a big assumption).
I expect he’ll be dead in 2028. Thought he would be already but a diet of burgers and Adderall can’t be good for longevity.
Looking like Harris has a chance in NC, a state that has been lost the last two elections and was seen as a lock for Trump.

YouGov now saying it's a toss up.
I don't see many minds for changing, it'll probably come down to turnout and (perhaps sadly) the strength of the vote against rather than for either candidate.
I don't see many minds for changing, it'll probably come down to turnout and (perhaps sadly) the strength of the vote against rather than for either candidate.
In some states, voter suppression efforts will get even stronger as Harris’ numbers increase.

Here’s hoping she can overcome all the hurdles being put in her path to stop her from being successful.
I don't see many minds for changing, it'll probably come down to turnout and (perhaps sadly) the strength of the vote against rather than for either candidate.
I have to disagree old chum. While I'm no expert, the mood music coming from the States certainly points to Harris building up a head of steam, particularly amongst black and female voters who might have felt unrepresented by Biden.
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Just get the turnout up. Just regular folks who are sick of it all. Return to normalcy. Return to quiet. Return to politics being semi-boring and not the be-all end-all of existence. Return to being able to disagree with family or friends about politics without having to cut off communication with them. Return to politics being politics, not politics being a cult on one side and a group of ill-equipped amateur deprogrammers with a hopeless task on the other. That’s who Harris wants showing up to vote.
This 100%!
I don't see many minds for changing, it'll probably come down to turnout and (perhaps sadly) the strength of the vote against rather than for either candidate.

That’s usually how it goes. One big factor in the race in North Carolina is the gubernatorial election. In the last two elections Republicans have turned out not just for the Presidential nominee but on the strength of the down-the-ballot candidates for Governor who have been marginally less insane.

This time round Republicans have put Mark Robinson on the ballot who is, to put it mildly, an absolute crackpot. He has stood on a platform of removing science from schools, has been extremely anti abortion referring to it as “genocide” (that is until it was revealed he paid for his girlfriend to have one in the 80s), he’s even engaged in a bit of holocaust denial for good measure. Of course the reason he’s in the race is because Trump made it so.

There’s a very good possibility Robinson is going to end up being a good reason for more moderate GOPers to stay at home. He isn’t mobilising votes outside of the ones Trump is already mobilising, the Venn diagram of their bases is just a circle.
That’s usually how it goes. One big factor in the race in North Carolina is the gubernatorial election. In the last two elections Republicans have turned out not just for the Presidential nominee but on the strength of the down-the-ballot candidates for Governor who have been marginally less insane.

This time round Republicans have put Mark Robinson on the ballot who is, to put it mildly, an absolute crackpot. He has stood on a platform of removing science from schools, has been extremely anti abortion referring to it as “genocide” (that is until it was revealed he paid for his girlfriend to have one in the 80s), he’s even engaged in a bit of holocaust denial for good measure. Of course the reason he’s in the race is because Trump made it so.

There’s a very good possibility Robinson is going to end up being a good reason for more moderate GOPers to stay at home. He isn’t mobilising votes outside of the ones Trump is already mobilising, the Venn diagram of their bases is just a circle.
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