Kamala Harris

3 new polls today from NY Times/Sienna giving Kamala healthy leads in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. She's in great shape in advance of the convention.
I'd like to see them start campaigning in Texas and Florida. That would really put the willies up the Republicans.

This campaign is in part a psychological battle. Trump is unhinged and the more you poke him the more his campaign goes of the rails. A big rally in Florida would send him close to the edge.
And yet, anywhere between a third and a half of the population who are eligible to vote will not vote and almost 50% of the people who do vote will vote for "darkness". So, either between two-thirds and three-quarters of the population eligible to vote are idiots (which actually, all things considered, I may be able to buy in to) or it isn't as clear-cut as you make out. I am more likely to believe the latter.
It is that clear cut.

What’s kind of unique to American Presidential Elections is that we ALREADY KNOW that this election will probably come down to less than 0.1% of the population in swing states.

Btw, that’s 330,000+ people, and it may be far fewer. Those are the people the whole election is geared towards.
Its all very early
Wise words.

Harris now has to step up and show some chops as a NATIONAL CANDIDATE, which was where she failed last time.

She had better be studying her ass off, because she has a tendency to babble word salad when she’s on shaky ground.

Steer clear of specifics about global politics on the stump, talk in high level generalities in any interviews, and then attack Trump’s isolationism and attraction to authoritarians in the debates.

- NATO & diplomacy.
- Supporting our global allies.
- Listening to the career professionals.
- Trusting your own National Security apparatus, not Putin or Jong Un or XI.
- Project strength, both as President and a country, and that means NOT doing your talking in the media, but face to face, across the table, with the full might of the United States behind you.

Simples. ;-)
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Its all very early
Exactly what I said a month ago when a lot of people thought a Trump victory was a done deal following Biden’s howlers and the assassination attempt. Although things look much more promising now anything can happen over the next 3 months that could upend the Harris/Walz campaign, although it does look much more likely that there will be a Trump meltdown sooner rather than later.
Harris's way of introducing Walz at their rallies is going down well. She says "To his students he was Mr. Walz, to his teams he was "Coach", and in January he will be ...."
The use of "Coach" resonates especially well. It's a title that conjures up people's memories of Friday night high school football games against the state rivals and earns huge respect from kids, parents, local police chiefs and Mr. & Mrs. Average Joe(sephine) in ways that don't quite exist in the U.K. It's down to earth, blue collar, non-political and it will win them votes in Middle America.
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Harris's way of introducing Walz at their rallies is going down well. She says "To his students he was Mr. Walz, to his teams he was "Coach", and in January he will be ...."
The use of "Coach" resonates especially well. It's a title that conjures up people's memories of Friday night high school football games against the state rivals and earns huge respect from kids, parents, local police chiefs and Mr. & Mrs. Average Joe(sephine) in ways that don't quite exist in the U.K. It's down to earth, blue collar, non-political and it will win them votes in Middle America.
Just get the turnout up. Just regular folks who are sick of it all. Return to normalcy. Return to quiet. Return to politics being semi-boring and not the be-all end-all of existence. Return to being able to disagree with family or friends about politics without having to cut off communication with them. Return to politics being politics, not politics being a cult on one side and a group of ill-equipped amateur deprogrammers with a hopeless task on the other. That’s who Harris wants showing up to vote.
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Return to politics being politics, not politics being a cult on one side ...
Yes, for sure. Question is what will the MAGA lot do if Harris wins? The younger members of the Trump clan (and I nearly used a 'k') are watching, waiting.
Yes, for sure. Question is what will the MAGA lot do if Harris wins? The younger members of the Trump clan (and I nearly used a 'k') are watching, waiting.
They will moan on the internet. They will make threats. They will watch Fox and OAN and whatever the hell else in droves. They will come up with the equivalent of “Let’s Go Brandon” for Harris. The grifters who fleece them the same as evangelicals will keep on fleecing them. A few of the more whacked MAGAs will try something in the Timothy McVeigh or Jan 6 vein. But very few, and this time everyone will be ready.

No one is painting Don Trump Jr. dressed in Jesus’ clothes at The Last Supper like they do his daddy. And the GOP party establishment will need to try to wrest power back.

But of course this all presumes Donald doesn’t run in 2028. Which of course he will, and will announce as soon as it’s clear he has no more challenges to the 24 results to bring, assuming he loses (still a big assumption).
Harris's way of introducing Walz at their rallies is going down well. She says "To his students he was Mr. Walz, to his teams he was "Coach", and in January he will be ...."
The use of "Coach" resonates especially well. It's a title that conjures up people's memories of Friday night high school football games against the state rivals and earns huge respect from kids, parents, local police chiefs and Mr. & Mrs. Average Joe(sephine) in ways that don't quite exist in the U.K. It's down to earth, blue collar, non-political and it will win them votes in Middle America.
In basic terms, he’s normal…in a good way!

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