Keir Starmer

He's expelled anyone who could.

National policy forum this weekend. He might have a reshuffle and announce some actual policies at the same time.

I agree. It was a bit tongue-in-cheek but not at the same time.

Probably should've offered them some refreshments.
Honestly you are almost as bad a troll as you are a person. It's all water off duck's back. You know nothing about anything let alone a very private person that you've never met.

Whereas we know everything apart from your payment details because you are so self-absorbed and insecure that you have to dick-wave in public.
Hmm. You seem to be obsessed with penises and masturbation.
With the greatest respect to you, as far as I am concerned you’re just a non entity so I never make it personal.
I just give you the courtesy of replying to your rants about me
Your greatest contribution to the site seems to be pressing thumbs up button to those who you think might be your friend if you met them out and about, plus constantly moaning about woe is me.
If someone asks me a question I will normally answer it rather than dodge the question.
For someone who claims to be a “very private person “ you have done a hell of a lot of posts.
If your claim holds true about being private, then you must have a very lonely
life outside this site.
If you have issues with my posts, rather than get yourself so wound up by trying to trade personal insults, just ignore them.
Simple you see
Starmer offers nothing for me. He has little charisma and hasn’t presented a vision for the future. He is just relying on not being the Tories. As a leftie I am very disappointed in him so far.
His hands are tied I am afraid.
It seems his PR Team have drilled in to him, don’t say anything controversial which may scare off the floating voters and don’t make any specific pledges.
I wonder if Labour could try to stage a coup against Starmer. Is there time for that? #ge2024
I think it's too long a process. He'd need undermined by his own shadow cabinet who would have to work to ensure he did poorly at the next ge. It'd also need the press to print stuff about him being a spy, antisemite etc. Probably all a bit of a faff tbh.

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