Keir Starmer

Centrists are liberals, always have been, socially democratically liberal, ecomically liberal and as refered by some neo-liberal, third way or progressive liberals

liberals have always been ideologically different to conservatives, unionism amd the right and completely contrast socialism amd left wing sociatal ideas.

For some reason they cannot bring themselve to just admit they are
Perhaps they like to think they take all the good bits from all over whilst rejecting the bad, without realising that good and bad are subjective terms?
Are you really that dense?
You think Starmer has handled it well then?

First he's been shown to have lied about the investigation still being ongoing, second he allowed the uncertainty around the issue to continue for so long in the run up to the election, third he expected someone like Diane Abbott to go quietly and not upset the apple cart - despite a lifetime of evidence to the contrary - and then finally he's created a free for all in the party as to whether Abbott should be allowed to stand or not.

The net result being 24 hours of news coverage surrounding Diane Abbott and party divisions - quite possibly the last thing he would have wanted.

Are you really that dense?
Don't bother with facts mate. He is just weaponising a tragedy to score points on a football forum.

You know, mate, I'm pretty sure people have said of me.

Now, I choose if I want to dialogue with someone to try and see if their position might shift.

I don't believe in blocking someone who's willing to engage in reasonable conversation.
You think Starmer has handled it well then?

First he's been shown to have lied about the investigation still being ongoing, second he allowed the uncertainty around the issue to continue for so long in the run up to the election, third he expected someone like Diane Abbott to go quietly and not upset the apple cart - despite a lifetime of evidence to the contrary - and then finally he's created a free for all in the party as to whether Abbott should be allowed to stand or not.

The net result being 24 hours of news coverage surrounding Diane Abbott and party divisions - quite possibly the last thing he would have wanted.

Are you really that dense?
I suggest you read what I've said on the subject.
The fight right now is absurdly Labour against Labour and a power struggle for ideologies, the remnants of a nasty Corbyn group are being flushed and as you can see on here some don't like it, Starmer being labelled a Tory by his own mob.

We are now surely a one party state, centrist or centrist, not a great choice is it?

So, I think the Corbyn/ Starmer argument falls in line with what we've been talking about of late; social democracy vs capitalism.

Seems like you're anti-Corbyn outlook, but you want a bit more socialism than what we're offered? But that would mean a change to that capitalistic structure we have now, where the brunt of tax money falls on the Working and Middle Class.

Oh and being less prone to being dragged into wars.

You know "For the Many, Not the Few"?? Great ideology.

You will have remind me what Starmer's is...
Shitlord is probably a better description that right honourable right now ;)
'Will the Shitlord for East Scumford be able to elaborate on the comment he made on the Gammon News Network that voters are all shitcunts?'

'I thank the right honourable Shitlord for his question...'
Seems like you're anti-Corbyn outlook, but you want a bit more socialism than what we're offered?

Maybe a new party? Hopefully Starmer delivers something I am not hopeful but willing to take a chance.

All he has to deo is end the 6th formers and he stands half a chance.
Those on the right of the Labour Party (and the centre of politics in general) have been called that since Blair came to power.

I've been called a Tory by shitloads of people on the far left and I've never voted for them once in my life. Always voted Labour, apart from under Corbyn when I just couldn't bring myself to do it and voted Lib Dem.

So, can I ask looking in hindsight in relation to where we are with wages, inflation and wars, would you still say you were right to vote this way?
So, can I ask looking in hindsight in relation to where we are with wages, inflation and wars, would you still say you were right to vote this way?
Mate, I think it's a stomach churning failure of our political system than the choices in the last two general elections have been Corbyn vs May, and to a much, much bigger extent Corbyn vs Johnson.

I couldn't have voted for any of them.

Apologies if the economic meltdown of the nation over the last decade is my fault.

My personal view is this country would be in an immeasurably better place had Gordon Brown called the 2010 election earlier and more than likely won it. A real sliding doors moment.
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