Keir Starmer

What a ****.

If that's the most disgusting thing he's seen from a politician, he must live in a cave.

And also be an idiot.

The girl is still talking at the end of the clip, so all we know is that he's tried to make a small girl, clearly nervous about talking, a little more comfortable with a joke, and then listened patiently.

Is he suggesting that a good politician would have stopped her talking, and instead explained the intricacies of how Great British Energy was going to leverage renewables, so that we had greater energy security at a time of war, and would be able to keep bills down?
What a ****.

In a week where a neo-nazi politician suggested we should have remained neutral during World War 2 and that women should have their healthcare rights revoked, this is the most disgusting thing he's seen? Fucking behave. He was talking to a child at their level, and he was smiling at her; unlike Sunak outright guffawing at a GP's concerns the other day.
So, on one hand, every day Labour are asked to rule out a different kind of tax increase, and now they're being asked to rule out any cuts at all to public services.

How can any government say they aren't going to cut anything, as that includes cutting from one place to increase elsewhere?

What exactly do the media think this achieves, beyond them getting a soundbyte?
Strange take.

Journalists aren’t asking Labour to rule out major tax increases, they are asking if Labour are ruling out major tax increases.

And necessarily, if they are ruling out major tax increases and given the benchmark of the March OBR forecast, then significant cuts to non-protected departmental budgets and/or welfare will result. One follows the other.

No amount of waffle from Starmer about running the CPS and ‘no return to austerity’ will change the fundamentals.

If anything I think Labour have had an easy ride from the press on this issue so far. In fact I think that the SNP’s line about a conspiracy of silence around spending cuts is about the only thing that’s gained any traction on the issue, and it takes a lot for me to give them any credit.
He owned Oxted Tool Co. Which had its own tool making workshop. Before you get nitpicking “factory” is the word Starmer uses.

How many employees did Oxted Tool Co. have?

A quick google shows it was never registered at companies house, so your big "gotcha" is that a self employed bloke gave himself a trading name.

It's very hard to imagine you don't already know that given your obsession with the subject, so seems like you're purposefully trying to mislead people into thinking his father owned a successful business.
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If that's the most disgusting thing he's seen from a politician, he must live in a cave.

And also be an idiot.

The girl is still talking at the end of the clip, so all we know is that he's tried to make a small girl, clearly nervous about talking, a little more comfortable with a joke, and then listened patiently.

Is he suggesting that a good politician would have stopped her talking, and instead explained the intricacies of how Great British Energy was going to leverage renewables, so that we had greater energy security at a time of war, and would be able to keep bills down?

Personally I couldn’t care any less what some random on X is trying to convey or suggest. They might well have an agenda and probably do. I watched video and thought “what a ****”. Well what a heartless **** to be exact.

However to answer your question, maybe a good politician would have made it about her and not his own kid. He’s not conveying any sort of interest or compassion at all with his “hmmm hmmm” as the girl is talking. Wooden as fuck.

A normal response would be to say how he’s terribly sorry this is how she finds winter and how he will do everything he can to make her life better. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. It’s what I would say and, I suspect, it’s what you would say and the vast majority of us on here.

It’s fascinating watching the normal Starmer apologists trying to defend him on this. It’s cult like, he fucked up here and has come across like a ****.

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