Keir Starmer

Oh yeah the voters love a proper ****.
Thatcher - massive ****
Blair - humongous lying ****
Cameron - posh ****
Johnson - posher ****.

In between the leaders who werent actually voted in , brown, may, truss, whilst slight cunts werent in the **** major league of the aforementioned. They were amateur cunts really which is why they were fucked off.

I guess the odd one out was major who was more a wet fart than a ****.

Then you have the current two. Are they cunty? Id put sunak down as more of a spunk bubble and starmer maybe a bell whiff. Neither come across too cunty in the grand scheme of things.
So given the populous love voting a big **** in but are really left in this election with either a spunk bubble or a bell whiff then thats why farage, a ****, is getting a look in
Are you Malcolm Tucker? :)

Oh yeah the voters love a proper ****.
Thatcher - massive ****
Blair - humongous lying ****
Cameron - posh ****
Johnson - posher ****.

In between the leaders who werent actually voted in , brown, may, truss, whilst slight cunts werent in the **** major league of the aforementioned. They were amateur cunts really which is why they were fucked off.

I guess the odd one out was major who was more a wet fart than a ****.

Then you have the current two. Are they cunty? Id put sunak down as more of a spunk bubble and starmer maybe a bell whiff. Neither come across too cunty in the grand scheme of things.
So given the populous love voting a big **** in but are really left in this election with either a spunk bubble or a bell whiff then thats why farage, a ****, is getting a look in

We should replace Kuntsberg on her BBC gig mate.
The notion that being self employed/an employer means you cannot be working class is simplistic, absurd and rooted in snobbery.
I had a lecturer at University who said if you go to a place of work and you get paid for that work whether it be daily, weekly or monthly then you are obviously working class....... a simplistic way of looking at it but true.
I had a lecturer at University who said if you go to a place of work and you get paid for that work whether it be daily, weekly or monthly then you are obviously working class....... a simplistic way of looking at it but true.

Mrs MB uni lecturer said to her you’ve got a degree, you’re no longer working class.

How can us simpletons agree what is working class if the educational elite can’t? ;)
Mrs MB uni lecturer said to her you’ve got a degree, you’re no longer working class.

How can us simpletons agree what is working class if the educational elite can’t? ;)

The definition changed over time, hand to mouth poor defines the newer version of the working class. There are lower working class people and upper class working people.

If you sit in a wine bar discussing your stocks you probably are not lower working class :)
The definition changed over time, hand to mouth poor defines the newer version of the working class. There are lower working class people and upper class working people.

If you sit in a wine bar discussing your stocks you probably are not lower working class :)

Maybe if you spend your time on a forum discussing how to define the Working Class, you're not working class ;)
I had a lecturer at University who said if you go to a place of work and you get paid for that work whether it be daily, weekly or monthly then you are obviously working class....... a simplistic way of looking at it but true.
That's how I've been looking at it, if you are paid salary by somebody else and you can be fired on a whim you are a working class. It is only that in Anglo-Saxon socio-political system 'the business" came up with this idea of different professional 'classes' implemented by their agents, namely politicians, like the best way of controlling everything in society through usual divide and conquer bullshit. And people bought it!
E.g. more than 10K Air Traffic controllers found out in one day under Reagan's announcement they are working class, very similar to what UK doctors are experiencing today.
Blue collar workers had been destroyed, white collar ones are almost finished off and now the iron heel started pressing on necks of all those 'professionals' like doctors and barristers, while all of them debate whether they are working class or not.
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I have to say I do find it interesting how people can spend so much time focusing upon what his Dad did and how this feeds into Starmer’s ability to relate to those struggling, rather than what Starmer will actually do when in power.

Relatability or awareness of a situation counts for nothing if there’s no desire to actually do anything about it. Starmer’s constant banging on about his working class background is nothing more than a political con trick, a diversion, hence the reason why he hams it up about his Dad working in a factory. It’s simply playing the class card for political gain.

Labour have signed up to a fiscal framework more restrictive than the one currently in place, and monetary policy is of course independent. The tax rises they’re planning are essentially a rounding error in terms of the fiscal projections. The VAT increase on schools could in fact raise nothing at all. Meanwhile the planned cuts to non-protected departmental spending are simply being ignored, and when pressed on this Starmer disingenuously rules out a return to austerity, even though that’s what their plans imply.

Any difficult questions on this issue or indeed anything relating to how they will differ from the Conservatives is met with the usual nonsense and lies about his Dad working in a factory. It’s a simple trick but a lot of people are keen to fall for it.

People aren't spending much time on it, and certainly aren't going to vote on the basis of what his Dad was or wasn't. Someone who will never vote Labour has suggested, with no evidence, it's a lie. That's the only reason it's being discussed at all.

How many second generation immigrants are there in the Tory party? Hasn't stopped them supporting very strict immigration rules and deterrents for asylum seekers. Your background doesn't always shape what you believe in. There are plenty of people who have grown up in working class backgrounds but only known wealth in adult life and vote to preserve their interests, not out of compassion for those still in those environments. If you experienced it as a child you can't necessarily relate in any case. That struggle was his parent's not his.

But he can certainly relate more than Sunak who comes out with staggering comments like how he didn't have Sky TV. If he knew the working classes he'd know they'd always have sky no matter how poor they were. It would be food and clothes they went without before they cancelled sky.
Bit rich coming from you when you’re the one obsessed with claiming he didn’t have a working class background when there’s absolutely no evidence that he’s lied.
I’ve simply highlighted how he’s exaggerated his father’s job as a factory worker and used that to deflect from difficult questions.

Starmer’s comments about his father being looked down upon because he worked in a factory were OTT and out of touch for that matter.

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