Keir Starmer

Grimsby, like many other towns, has lost its purpose, and not yet found another. It was, at one time, possibly the premier fishing port of the entire world.

There used to be trains, whole trains, carrying fish from Grimsby to various parts of the country. That has almost all gone - what remains goes by road - because we lost our fishing grounds around Iceland donkey's years ago.

Why anyone, even of the meanest intellect, would think that leaving the EU would move all the cod and haddock* into British waters I cannot conceive.

It's rather like Radcliffe (for example) thinking that a vote could bring back the cotton mills.

* We eat little else, and what we do eat is far less than 50 or 100 years ago.

That can’t be true anymore because since Brexit all the fish are now proper English fish again like they used to be in the good old days before the French and those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels stole are fishing rights!!

Make fishing great again!!
The fact that most of the commentary about Starmer following last night’s Sky News interviews relates to him stumbling to find a response to a daft question about him being robotic suggests that the media couldn’t find anything of substance to criticise him about when it comes to policy. Can see why 64% of viewers thought he performed better than Sunak.

Someone should tell him that constantly repeating the toolmaker thing makes him a laughing stock though.
It's rather like Radcliffe (for example) thinking that a vote could bring back the cotton mills.

Can they at least have Halls back?

I feel like the kids today aren't tough enough - and that's probably because they've never faced the disappointment of their Dad returning from the pub with a big box of "free sweets".

Which turn out to be Halls Mentholyptus.
The fact that most of the commentary about Starmer following last night’s Sky News interviews relates to him stumbling to find a response to a daft question about him being robotic suggests that the media couldn’t find anything of substance to criticise him about when it comes to policy. Can see why 64% of viewers thought he performed better than Sunak.

Someone should tell him that constantly repeating the toolmaker thing makes him a laughing stock though.

I think if he wants to tell the toolmaker story, he should laugh along with the audience. Even a simple start of, "You probably won't have heard, but my dad was a toolmaker". Gets the point across and is an easy way of seeming a bit more human.
Those sniggering would have no clue what a tool maker was or is trust me , theses pricks on twatter wouldn’t have a scooby how to start.
They couldn’t even use a micrometer, to start with, sums up the modern day school play ground thinking.
Been in the game for years you learn from your elders and peers in this job.
Feeds and speeds.
Free hand tool making was on another level.

They're not laughing at the actual job

Can they at least have Halls back?

I feel like the kids today aren't tough enough - and that's probably because they've never faced the disappointment of their Dad returning from the pub with a big box of "free sweets".

Which turn out to be Halls Mentholyptus.

as an interesting micro tale of modern capiltalisim in which a household name of a working class staple during a cough becomes part of a bundle of names sold around venture capitalists and global conglomerates after they have taken their slice of the pie out of it. The rich get richer and the poor sweet maker gets a P45

The fact that most of the commentary about Starmer following last night’s Sky News interviews relates to him stumbling to find a response to a daft question about him being robotic suggests that the media couldn’t find anything of substance to criticise him about when it comes to policy. Can see why 64% of viewers thought he performed better than Sunak.

Someone should tell him that constantly repeating the toolmaker thing makes him a laughing stock though.

Wait let me get this right, the next prime minister of this country when saying something that makes everyone in the room laugh at him needs a quiet word in his ear.
He can't work it out for himself? He really lacks any kind of self awareness,? He can't read a room and has never thought I wonder if I'm repeating myself a bit too much here.

It's like he rehearsed something and cannot divert from this no matter what happens. Like a doll with a button you press. What is it specifically with politicians that makes them act this way?

Fuckin hell we don't have much of a choice in this country.

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